Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale/DIIN
A Dialogue-based Approach Enhanced with Situation Awareness and Reinforcement Learning for Ubiquitous Access to Linked Data
2014-01-01 D'Aniello, Giuseppe; Gaeta, Matteo; Loia, Vincenzo; Tomasiello, Stefania; Orciuoli, Francesco
A Differential Quadrature based procedure for parameter identification
2016-01-01 De Rosa, Maria A.; Lippiello, Maria; Jiwari, Ram; Tomasiello, Stefania
A differential quadrature-based approach à la Picard for systems of partial differential equations associated with fuzzy differential equations
2016-01-01 Macías-Díaz, Je; Tomasiello, S
A DQ based approach to simulate the vibrations of buckled beams
2007-01-01 Tomasiello, S
A fast algorithm for detecting admissible cuts in prestressed hollow core units
2010-01-01 Tomasiello, S
A first investigation on the dynamics of two delayed neurons through fuzzy transform approximation
2017-01-01 Tomasiello, S
A functional network to predict fresh and hardened properties of self-compacting concretes
2011-01-01 Tomasiello, S
A fuzzy consensus approach for group decision making with variable importance of experts
2016-01-01 D'Aniello, Giuseppe; Gaeta, Matteo; Tomasiello, Stefania; Rarita', Luigi
A Fuzzy Functional Network for nonlinear regression problems
2014-01-01 Gaeta, Matteo; Loia, Vincenzo; Tomasiello, Stefania
A fuzzy-based data mining paradigm for on-line optimal power flow analysis
2016-01-01 Loia, Vincenzo; Tomasiello, Stefania; Vaccaro, Alfredo
A generalization of the IDQ method and a DQ based approach to approximate non-smooth solutions
2007-01-01 Tomasiello, S
A Generalized Functional Network for a Classifier-Quantifiers Scheme in a Gas-Sensing System
2013-01-01 Gaeta, Matteo; Loia, Vincenzo; Tomasiello, Stefania
A granular functional network classifier for brain diseases analysis
2020-01-01 Tomasiello, Stefania
A Granular Functional Network with delay: Some dynamical properties and application to the sign prediction in social networks
2018-01-01 Loia, Vincenzo; Parente, Domenico; PEDRYCZ WITOLD, Witold; Tomasiello, Stefania
A granular recurrent neural network for multiple time series prediction
2021-01-01 Tomasiello, Stefania; Loia, Vincenzo; Khaliq, Abdul
A mapping strategy for the identification of structural systems
2013-01-01 Tomasiello, S
A Mini-Review on Recent Fractional Models for Agri-Food Problems
2023-01-01 Tomasiello, S.; Macias-Diaz, J. E.
A modified quadrature element method to perform static analysis of structures
2004-01-01 C., Franciosi; Tomasiello, S
A new DQ-based method and its application to the stability of columns
2014-01-01 Tomasiello, S
A new least-squares DQ-based method for the buckling of structures with elastic supports
2015-01-01 Tomasiello, S