Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione ed Elettrica e Matematica applicata/DIEM
A review of source processes and magma-gas transport mechanisms at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
2009-01-01 DE LAURO, Enza; DE MARTINO, Salvatore; Falanga, Mariarosaria; Palo, Mauro; Scarpa, Roberto
Analisi della distribuzione dei tempi di interarrivo delle esplosioni stromboliane
2004-01-01 Bottiglieri, M; DE LAURO, Enza; DE MARTINO, S; Falanga, M; C., Godano; Palo, Mauro
Analogical model for mechanical vibrations in flue organ pipes inferred by independent component analysis
2007-01-01 DE LAURO, Enza; DE MARTINO, Salvatore; Falanga, Mariarosaria; E., Esposito; E. P., Tomasini
Analogical model for self-sustained sounds generated by organ pipe
2004-01-01 DE LAURO, Enza; DE MARTINO, Salvatore; Falanga, Mariarosaria
Analogical model inferred from time domain analysis and generating organ pipes self sustained-tone
2004-01-01 M., Bottiglieri; DE LAURO, Enza; DE MARTINO, Salvatore; Falanga, Mariarosaria
Analysis of acoustic field emitted by organs: A contribution for the tuning of ancient instruments
2020-01-01 de Lauro, E.; Falanga, M.
Analysis of water level oscillations by using methods of nonlinear dynamics
2009-01-01 Capuano, Paolo; DE LAURO, Enza; DE MARTINO, Salvatore; Falanga, Mariarosaria
Automatic detection of long‐period events at Campi FlegreiCaldera (Italy)
2011-01-01 A., Ciaramella; DE LAURO, Enza; Falanga, Mariarosaria; S., Petrosino
Automatic discrimination and fast wavefield decomposition of Volcano-Tectonic (VT) earthquakes by Independent Component Analysis: the case study of Campi Flegrei (Italy)
2018-01-01 Petrosino, S.; De Lauro, E.; Falanga, M.
Automatic Procedure for Quasi-Real time seismic data Processing at Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy)
2014-01-01 Capuano, Paolo; DE LAURO, Enza; DE MARTINO, Salvatore; Falanga, Mariarosaria
Automatic procedure forquasi-real time seismic data processing at Campi Flegrei (Italy)
2014-01-01 Capuano, Paolo; A., Ciaramella; DE LAURO, Enza; DE MARTINO, Salvatore; Falanga, Mariarosaria; S., Petrosino
Biochemical and biophysical mechanisms underlying the heart and the brain dialog
2021-01-01 Dal Lin, C.; Falanga, M.; De Lauro, E.; De Martino, S.; Vitiello, G.
Campi Flegrei Caldera Crustal Dynamics inferred by borehole tiltmeters
2018-01-01 Falanga, Mariarosaria; DE LAURO, Enza; Petrosino, Simona; Ricco, Ciro
Characterization of Strombolian Events by Using Independent Component Analysis
2004-01-01 Ciaramella, A.; DE LAURO, Enza; DE MARTINO, Salvatore; B., DI LIETO; Falanga, Mariarosaria; Tagliaferri, Roberto
Characterization of the seismic dynamical state of Ischia Volcanic Island (Italy) through the ICA and the polarization analysis applied to background seismic noise
2018-01-01 Cusano, P.; Petrosino, S.; Falanga, M.; De Lauro, E.; De Martino, S.
Characterization of the seismic dynamical state through joint analysis of earthquakes and seismic noise: the example of Ischia Volcanic Island (Italy)
2020-01-01 Cusano, Paola; Petrosino, Simona; De Lauro, Enza; De Martino, Salvatore; Falanga, Mariarosaria
Characterization of the wave field of seismic noise and earthquakes at Ischia Island (Italy) through the ICA technique and the seismic polarization
2018-01-01 Capuano, Paolo; Cusano, Paola; DE LAURO, Enza; DE MARTINO, Salvatore; Falanga, Mariarosaria; Petrosino, Simona
Complexity of Time Series Associated to Dynamical Systems Inferred from Independent Component Analysis
2005-01-01 Ciaramella, A.; DE LAURO, Enza; DE MARTINO, Salvatore; Falanga, Mariarosaria; Tagliaferri, Roberto
Constrains on the model for self-sustained sounds generated by organ pipe inferred by Independent Component Analysis
2005-01-01 DE LAURO, Enza; DE MARTINO, Salvatore; Falanga, Mariarosaria; S., Sarno
Convolutive independent component analysis for processing massive datasets: a case study at Campi Flegrei (Italy)
2017-01-01 Capuano, Paolo; DE LAURO, Enza; DE MARTINO, Salvatore; Falanga, Mariarosaria; Petrosino, S.