Dipartimento di Studi Politici e Sociali/DISPS
'Contested Chinatown: Chinese migrants incorporation and the urban space in London and Milan'
2012-01-01 Hatziprokopiou, P; Montagna, N
A Review: R. Baldwin, “The Great Convergence: Information Technology and the New Globalization"
2017-01-01 Montagna, N
Beyond Crisis Talk: Interrogating Migration and Crises in Europe
2018-01-01 Dines, N; Montagna, N; Vacchelli, E.
Border Regimes, Shifting Temporalities and Migrant Responses. An Analysis of the Route Between the Eastern Mediterranean and the North-Western French-Italian Border
2024-01-01 Montagna, Nicola; Gorza, Piero; Moschella, Rita; Perino, Maria
Brexit and Immigration: the Debate, Migratory Flows and Policies
2019-01-01 Montagna, N
Brexit e l'immigrazione: il dibattito, i flussi, le politiche
2018-01-01 Montagna, N
Chinatown, Londra: citta` vetrina e luogo di appartenenza
2008-01-01 Montagna, N
Conflitti, movimenti e cambiamento sociale nella teoria sociologica
2012-01-01 Montagna, N
Da Blair a Brexit. Venti anni d'immigrazione e politiche migratorie nel Regno Unito
2020-01-01 Montagna, N
Dominant or subordinate? The relational dynamics in a protest cycle for undocumented migrant rights
2018-01-01 Montagna, N
Editors' Introduction: Conflicts within the Crisis
2013-01-01 Montagna, N; Mew, S
EU Migration Governance
2021-01-01 Montagna, N
Flussi migratori e sistemi di accoglienza nel Mediterraneo. Dati 2014-2019 e risultati di una ricerca in Italia
2019-01-01 Montagna, N
For a new Sociology of Social love
2023-01-01 Montagna, Nicola
Gendering Nationalism: Intersections of Nation, Gender and Sexuality in the 21st Century
2018-01-01 Mulholland, J; Montagna, N; and Sanders-McDonagh, E
Health Challenges in Refugee Reception: Dateline Europe 2016
2017-01-01 Blitz, B; D’Angelo, A; Kofman, E; Montagna, N
Human smugglers or criminalised migrants? Securitarian bordering and the criminalisation of ‘captains’ in the Mediterranean
2024-01-01 Papadouak Maria, Eirini; Montagna, Nicola; Serrantino, Giuseppe
I Movimenti Sociali e la Mobilitazione Globale
2008-01-01 Montagna, N
Identità Antagoniste Itinerari nell'«autonomia» negli anni ottanta
2010-01-01 Montagna, N
L'altro non sono io
2020-01-01 Montagna, N