PISTONE, Pasquale
PISTONE, Pasquale
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche/DISES
A European Model for Member States' Legislation on the Taxation of Controlled Foreign Subsidiaries (CFC) - Part 1
2008-01-01 Pistone, Pasquale; co autore Guglielmo, Maisto
A European Model for Member States' Legislation on the Taxation of Controlled Foreign Subsidiaries (CFC) - Part 2
2008-01-01 Pistone, Pasquale; co autore Guglielmo, Maisto
A Plea for Effective Cross-Border Tax Dispute Settlement in Developing Countries
2017-01-01 Pistone, P.
A Plea for Qualified Majority Voting and the Ordinary Legislative Procedure in European Tax Law
2019-01-01 Pistone, P.
Abuse of Companies and the Prohibition of Abusive Tax Practices
2019-01-01 Pistone, P.
Abuse of Law in the Context of Indirect Taxation: from (before) Emsland-Stärke 1 to Halifax (and beyond)
2011-01-01 Pistone, Pasquale
Abuse through the Use of Shell Companies and Arrangements for Tax Purposes in the European Union: Feedback on the EU Consultation by the IBFD Task Force on EU Law
2021-01-01 Pistone, P.
Abuse, Shell Entities and Right of Establishment: A Plea for Refocusing Current Proposals and Achieving Deeper Coordination within the Internal Market
2022-01-01 Pistone, P.; co-autori Nogueira, J.; Turina, A.; Lazarov, I.
Abuso del diritto ed elusione fiscale
1995-01-01 Pistone, Pasquale
Acuerdos de intercambio de información y derechos de los contribuyentes
2021-01-01 Pistone, P.
Acuerdos sobre Intercambio de Información (TIEAs): las ventajas del bilateralismo para la asistencia mutua en la época del multilateralismo global
2016-01-01 Pistone, Pasquale
Adapting Current International Taxation to New Business Models: Two Proposals for the European Union
2017-01-01 Pistone, P.; Brauner Y., (co-autore)
An EU Model Tax Convention
2002-01-01 Pistone, Pasquale
An EU Model Tax Convention
2002-01-01 Pistone, Pasquale
Ancora sulla compatibilità delle imposte sul capitale con l’ordinamento comunitario
2000-01-01 Pistone, Pasquale
Arbitrating Cross-Border Tax Disputes in Line with European Union Law: Issues and Solutions
2019-01-01 Pistone, P.; Dourado A. P., (co-autore)
Arbitration and the Implementation of Arbitral Awards in Domestic Law
2020-01-01 Pistone, P.; Papulova A., (co-autore)
Art. 18 TUIR (par. 18000-18350)
2010-01-01 Pistone, Pasquale
Art. 18 TUIR (par. 18000-18350)
2011-01-01 Pistone, Pasquale
Art. 23 TUIR (par. 23000-23300)
2011-01-01 Pistone, Pasquale