DIP.DI FISICA "E.R. CAIANIELLO" (attivo dal 11/12/2000 al 31/12/2010)
Bond stretching phonon softening and isotope effect in a phenomenological model for cuprates
2010-01-01 Cojocaru, Sergiu; Citro, Roberta; Marinaro, Maria
Bond-stretching phonon anomalies and charge fluctuations in copper oxide superconductors
2007-01-01 Cojocaru, Sergiu; Citro, Roberta; Marinaro, Maria
Effect of electron-phonon interaction on the single-particle spectral properties of the Hubbard model
2006-01-01 Citro, Roberta; Cojocaru, Sergiu; Marinaro, Maria
Effective electron-phonon coupling in the Hubbard-Holstein model in presence of strong correlations and density fluctuations
2007-01-01 Citro, R.; Cojocaru, S.; Marinaro, M.
Exact solution for spin-orbiton excitations on a ferromagnetically ordered finite chain
2003-01-01 Cojocaru, Sergiu; A., Ceulemans
Exact solution of the discrete Schrodinger equation for ferromagnetic chain
2006-01-01 Cojocaru, Sergiu; V., Brsan; A., Ceulemans
Ferromagnetism in Orbitally Degenerate Hubbard Model
2005-01-01 Cojocaru, Sergiu; Citro, Roberta; Marinaro, Maria
Green's function and excitation spectrum of finite lattices
2006-01-01 Cojocaru, Sergiu; V., Barsan; A., Ceulemans
Green's function of a finite chain and the discrete Fourier transform
2006-01-01 Cojocaru, Sergiu
Incoherent midinfrared charge excitation and the high-energy anomaly in the photoemission spectra of cuprates
2007-01-01 Cojocaru, Sergiu; Citro, Roberta; Marinaro, Maria
Influence of strong electron correlation on the el-ph vertex in the one-band Hubbard model
2006-01-01 Citro, Roberta; Cojocaru, Sergiu; Marinaro, Maria
Isotope effect and bond stretching phonon anomaly in high-Tc cuprates
2010-01-01 Cojocaru, Sergiu; Citro, Roberta; Marinaro, Maria
Metallic ferromagnetism in the presence of orbital degeneracy
2005-01-01 Cojocaru, Sergiu; Citro, Roberta; Marinaro, Maria
Modification of the Bloch law in ferromagnetic nanostructures
2014-01-01 Cojocaru, Sergiu; A., Naddeo; Citro, Roberta
Renormalization of the Electron-Phonon Interaction in the Hubbard Model
2005-01-01 Citro, Roberta; Cojocaru, Sergiu; Marinaro, Maria
Renormalization of the electron-phonon vertex in presence of charge fluctuations
2005-01-01 Citro, Roberta; Cojocaru, Sergiu; Marinaro, Maria
Role of electron-phonon interaction on quasiparticle dispersion in the strongly correlated cuprate superconductors
2006-01-01 Citro, Roberta; Cojocaru, Sergiu; Marinaro, Maria
Size-dependent magnon modes of a Heisenberg ferromagnet
2003-01-01 Cojocaru, Sergiu
Spin excitations on finite lattices and the discrete Fourier transform
2006-01-01 Cojocaru, Sergiu; V., Brsan; A., Ceulemans