A determination of the Ω_0m h^2 cosmological parameter without “tension”
2021-01-01 Benedetto, E; Feoli, Antonio; Iannella, ANTONELLA LUCIA
A Normalization Condition for the Probability Current in Some Remarkable Cases
2024-01-01 Feoli, A.; Benedetto, E.; Iannella, A. L.
A Simple Application of a Trigonometric Inequality to the Relativistic Doppler Effect
2023-01-01 Benedetto, E.; D'Errico, L.; Feoli, A.; Iannella, A. L.
A study of the scaling relation M•∝ Reσ3 for supermassive black holes and an update of the corresponding theoretical model
2019-01-01 Beltramonte, T.; Benedetto, E.; Feoli, A.; Iannella, A. L.
How is a plane wave seen by an observer in circular motion at constant angular velocity?
2022-01-01 Feoli, A.; Beltramonte, T.; Benedetto, E.; Di Mauro, M.; Iannella, A. L.; Naddeo, A.
On the velocity of a quantum particle in the de Broglie–Bohm quantum mechanics: the case of the bouncing ball
2022-01-01 Feoli, Antonio; Benedetto, Elmo; Iannella, ANTONELLA LUCIA
Real centrifugal forces in relativistic rotating spacetimes: A simple introduction
2023-01-01 Benedetto, E.; Di Mauro, M.; Feoli, A.; Iannella, A. L.; Naddeo, A.
Rotation induced in a coil moving in an electric field
2021-01-01 Feoli, Antonio; Iannella, ANTONELLA LUCIA; Benedetto, E
Spreading of Covid-19 in Italy as the spreading of a wave packet
2020-01-01 Feoli, Antonio; Iannella, ANTONELLA LUCIA; Benedetto, E
Teachers Interacting with Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Dual Responsibility
2024-01-01 Gravino, C.; Iannella, A.; Marras, M.; Pagliara, S. M.; Palomba, F.
Tell me how fast you go and I will tell you how much you rotate
2023-01-01 Benedetto, E.; Di Mauro, M.; Feoli, A.; Iannella, A. L.; Naddeo, A.
The Effect of Interplay between the Newtonian Gravitational Field and the Cosmological Expansion
2020-01-01 Feoli, Antonio; Benedetto, E; Iannella, ANTONELLA LUCIA
Three pictures of COVID-19 behavior in Italy: similar growth and different degrowth
2020-01-01 Feoli, Antonio; Iannella, ANTONELLA LUCIA; Benedetto, Elmo
Twin paradox in curved spacetime
2022-01-01 Benedetto, Elmo; Feoli, Antonio; Iannella, ANTONELLA LUCIA