The historical researches on earthquakes in Italy, from the ancient times up to the XXth century, revealed the enormous damages to the building heritage in the past as well as the evolution of the construction procedures and techniques. These ones, before the introduction of the building regulations in 1909, were all included in theoretical essays and, even before, they were just passed down by the ancient magisteries. The regulations have functioned as a protocol for the realization of buildings through some still now updating principles and previsions. Some of them have represented a real break in the structural concept of buildings, like for instance the “Regio Decreto n. 640” in 1935; this law introduced new regulations for the improvement of the resistance to the earthquake and it marks the origin of the IIIrd class constructions. In a research done on buildings in the city of Salerno, especially in the period between the two World Wars, thanks to thorough analyses and studies about the constructions techniques, it has been possible to characterize buildings looking at their reaction to likely earthquakes in the future and to test the seismic vulnerability of some particularly representative public buildings. Some distinctive correlations between the seismic vulnerability and the history of constructions have emerged; in particular, it has been proved that the buildings history is often linked to the technical regulations and to the spreading of new constructions techniques, such as the use of the reinforced concrete.
Le ricerche storiche sui terremoti in Italia, a partire dal mondo antico fino al XX secolo, hanno messo in luce, oltre agli ingenti danni subiti dal patrimonio edi-lizio nel passato, anche l’evoluzione di prassi e tecniche costruttive. Queste ultime, prima dell’avvento della normativa tecnica nel 1909, erano contenute in trattati teorici e, ancora prima, tramandati dagli antichi magisteri. Le norme sulle costruzioni hanno avuto la funzione di disciplinare la realizza-zione di opere ed edifici attraverso un insieme di principi e prescrizioni che sono tuttora in continuo aggiornamento. Alcune di esse hanno rappresentato un vero e proprio spartiacque nella concezione strutturale degli edifici, come ad esempio il Regio Decreto n. 640 del 1935 che, introducendo prescrizioni strutturali volte al miglioramento della resistenza al sisma, segna la nascita degli edifici di III classe. Nell’ambito di una ricerca condotta sull’edilizia della città di Salerno, realizzata in particolare nel periodo tra le due guerre, grazie ad una approfondita campagna di analisi e studi sulle tecniche costruttive locali, si è potuto caratterizzare il costruito dal punto di vista della risposta a possibili eventi sismici futuri e verificare la vulnerabilità di alcuni edifici particolarmente rappresentativi e a destinazione pubblica. Sono emerse peculiari correlazioni tra il livello di vulnerabilità sismica e la storia costruttiva degli edifici, molto spesso legata all’imposizione della normativa tecnica ed alla diffusione delle nuove tecniche legate all’impiego del calcestruzzo armato.
Terremoto e costruzione: l’evoluzione di un sapere tecnico e teorico nella città di Salerno. Earthquakes and constructions: the evolution of technical and theoretical knowledge in the city of Salerno.
The historical researches on earthquakes in Italy, from the ancient times up to the XXth century, revealed the enormous damages to the building heritage in the past as well as the evolution of the construction procedures and techniques. These ones, before the introduction of the building regulations in 1909, were all included in theoretical essays and, even before, they were just passed down by the ancient magisteries. The regulations have functioned as a protocol for the realization of buildings through some still now updating principles and previsions. Some of them have represented a real break in the structural concept of buildings, like for instance the “Regio Decreto n. 640” in 1935; this law introduced new regulations for the improvement of the resistance to the earthquake and it marks the origin of the IIIrd class constructions. In a research done on buildings in the city of Salerno, especially in the period between the two World Wars, thanks to thorough analyses and studies about the constructions techniques, it has been possible to characterize buildings looking at their reaction to likely earthquakes in the future and to test the seismic vulnerability of some particularly representative public buildings. Some distinctive correlations between the seismic vulnerability and the history of constructions have emerged; in particular, it has been proved that the buildings history is often linked to the technical regulations and to the spreading of new constructions techniques, such as the use of the reinforced concrete.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.