The volume collects the proceedings of the Conference of Studies, held at the University of Salerno in December 2018 and dedicated to the figure, patrimony and activity of the last Prince of Salerno, Ferrante Sanverino (1507-1568), in the context of the Italian and European political and economic scenario of the 16th century. Grandson of Ferdinand the Catholic and cousin of Emperor Charles V, Ferrante was the last representative of the princely Sanseverino family and one of the most important exponents of southern feudalism, with extensive possessions also abroad. After a life marked by Spanish loyalty, the escape, rebellion and the attempted conquest of the kingdom gained in the early fifties and then the conversion to the Protestant religion, almost at the end of his life, have cloaked the myth of the rebel baron. The different contributions in the volume offer a rereading of a controversial character in which elements of modernity coexist together with ancient legacies. Expression of a medieval conception of feudalism, Ferrante, at the same time, had entrepreneurial impulses and was the first Neapolitan Renaissance prince. Prominent interpreter in the different scenarios of sixteenth-century Europe, he expresses the disquiet of his time and still shows how the affirmation of modernity does not always proceed in a linear way.
Il volume raccoglie gli atti del Convegno di Studi, svoltosi all’Università degli Studi di Salerno nel dicembre 2018 e dedicato alla figura, al patrimonio e all’attività dell’ultimo principe di Salerno, Ferrante Sanverino (1507-1568), nell’ambito dello scenario politico economico italiano ed europeo del XVI secolo. Nipote di Ferdinando il Cattolico e cugino dell’imperatore Carlo V, Ferrante fu l’ultimo rappresentante della principesca famiglia dei Sanseverino e uno dei più importanti esponenti della feudalità meridionale, con estesi possedimenti anche all’estero. Dopo una vita improntata al lealismo spagnolo, la fuga, la ribellione e la tentata conquista del regno maturate all’inizio degli anni Cinquanta e poi la conversione alla religione protestante, quasi al termine della sua vita, hanno ammantato il mito del barone ribelle. I diversi contributi presenti nel volume offrono una rilettura di un personaggio controverso in cui convivono elementi di modernità insieme a antichi retaggi. Espressione di una concezione della feudalità di stampo medievale, Ferrante, al contempo, ebbe slanci imprenditoriali e fu il primo principe rinascimentale napoletano. Interprete di spicco nei diversi scenari dell’Europa cinquecentesca, esprime le inquietudini del suo tempo e mostra ancora come l’affermazione della modernità non proceda sempre in modo lineare.
Ferrante Sanseverino. L’ultimo principe di Salerno nello scenario politico ed economico cinquecentesco
Biagio Di Salvia
;Giuseppe Foscari
;Aldo Montaudo
The volume collects the proceedings of the Conference of Studies, held at the University of Salerno in December 2018 and dedicated to the figure, patrimony and activity of the last Prince of Salerno, Ferrante Sanverino (1507-1568), in the context of the Italian and European political and economic scenario of the 16th century. Grandson of Ferdinand the Catholic and cousin of Emperor Charles V, Ferrante was the last representative of the princely Sanseverino family and one of the most important exponents of southern feudalism, with extensive possessions also abroad. After a life marked by Spanish loyalty, the escape, rebellion and the attempted conquest of the kingdom gained in the early fifties and then the conversion to the Protestant religion, almost at the end of his life, have cloaked the myth of the rebel baron. The different contributions in the volume offer a rereading of a controversial character in which elements of modernity coexist together with ancient legacies. Expression of a medieval conception of feudalism, Ferrante, at the same time, had entrepreneurial impulses and was the first Neapolitan Renaissance prince. Prominent interpreter in the different scenarios of sixteenth-century Europe, he expresses the disquiet of his time and still shows how the affirmation of modernity does not always proceed in a linear way.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.