Particularly in the last two decades, the recent research on ed- ucation has provided significant knowledge about “what works and in what contexts” and about the features of experi- enced teachers, that all the schools should benefit from. The adoption of this knowledge, in agreement with the models of the “virtuous circle” oriented to the improvement, allows a close integration emerging from teacher training, experimen- tation and evaluation processes. In Italy, two types of training for teachers prevail. Both of them do not have a right relation- ship with the achievement of the result in terms of improve- ment of learning: a generalist training, typically based on the presentation of ethical and socio-cultural issues; a training aimed at mastering specific techniques or methodologies, but chosen, many times, without having first adequately verified their effectiveness. Since the “training” aims at removing spe- cific knowledge and procedure deficiencies in some funda- mental moments of the paths oriented towards changes and improvements, it is particularly interesting to explore innova- tive methods (at least in our country) to improve their impact and effectiveness. The aim of this paper is to present some techniques that, also through hybridisation processes, can pro- mote and support the reflexivity of teachers on their own pro- fessional actions and behaviours in order to encourage cyclical processes to achieve clearly defined improvement objectives.
La ricerca recente sull’istruzione, in particolare negli ultimi due decenni, ha acquisito significative conoscenze in merito a “cosa funziona e in quali contesti” e sulle caratteristiche pro- prie degli insegnanti esperti, di cui tutte le scuole dovrebbero beneficiare. L’avvalersi di queste conoscenze, in accordo coi modelli del “circolo virtuoso” orientato al miglioramento, la- scia emergere nuovi scenari per l’innovazione, con una stretta integrazione tra formazione degli insegnanti, sperimentazione, valutazione. In Italia, nell’attuale formazione degli insegnanti prevalgono due tipologie, entrambe scisse da un rapporto con il conseguimento del risultato in termini di miglioramento de- gli apprendimenti: una formazione generalista, basata tipica- mente sulla presentazione di tematiche etiche e socioculturali; una formazione orientata alla padronanza di specifiche tecni- che o metodologie, ma scelte, molte volte, senza averne prima adeguatamente verificata la loro efficacia. Se la “formazione” va mirata alla rimozione di specifiche carenze di conoscenze e procedure in alcuni momenti fondamentali dei percorsi orien- tati al cambiamento/miglioramento, risulta particolarmente interessante esplorare metodi e modalità innovativi per miglio- rarne l’impatto e l’efficacia. Obiettivo del lavoro è presentare alcune tecniche che, anche mediante processi di ibridazione, possono promuovere e sostenere la capacità di riflessività sul- l’agire/agito professionale degli insegnanti per favorire processi ciclici di azione per il conseguimento di obiettivi di migliora- mento chiaramente definiti.
Come formare gli insegnanti alla didattica. Videomodellamento e microteaching
A. Marzano
Particularly in the last two decades, the recent research on ed- ucation has provided significant knowledge about “what works and in what contexts” and about the features of experi- enced teachers, that all the schools should benefit from. The adoption of this knowledge, in agreement with the models of the “virtuous circle” oriented to the improvement, allows a close integration emerging from teacher training, experimen- tation and evaluation processes. In Italy, two types of training for teachers prevail. Both of them do not have a right relation- ship with the achievement of the result in terms of improve- ment of learning: a generalist training, typically based on the presentation of ethical and socio-cultural issues; a training aimed at mastering specific techniques or methodologies, but chosen, many times, without having first adequately verified their effectiveness. Since the “training” aims at removing spe- cific knowledge and procedure deficiencies in some funda- mental moments of the paths oriented towards changes and improvements, it is particularly interesting to explore innova- tive methods (at least in our country) to improve their impact and effectiveness. The aim of this paper is to present some techniques that, also through hybridisation processes, can pro- mote and support the reflexivity of teachers on their own pro- fessional actions and behaviours in order to encourage cyclical processes to achieve clearly defined improvement objectives.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.