Covid-19 has disrupted the daily lives of the entire world's population and brought about epochal social change. Consequently, during the last month of February, as Italians became aware of what was happening, we often wondered what role Social Sciences, and sociology in particular, had to play in the health emergency and its public presentation. The need to respond to the difficult situation and to contribute to the public debate therefore led us to launch a new editorial project integrating social research and the radio interview approach, in order to start interpreting the Covid-19 phenomenon from a sociological perspective. Thus, Radio Covid was born and we started our interviews with well-known guests from the Italian civil society and sociological community. Building on the experience of Radio Covid, this book presents the efforts of sociological intervention during a pandemic emergency and shows the contribution that Public Sociology can make not only to the Covid-19 debate but also to the good practices applied in an emergency. Guests on the talk shows of Radio Covid have become authors addressing many important issues on the socio-political agenda imposed by the coronavirus. Many topics have been analyzed on the radio shows: the impact of Covid-19 on the environment, the security problem and the democratic rules of the game, the role of European Union and the World Health Organization, health policy and the problems associated with National Health System, institutional and mass media communication issues, the impact on the labor market, upheavals in the world of sports, and concerns in the area of religiosity. In sum, the reader can use this volume as a nimble guide to help both professionals and a broader audience interested in social dynamics navigate the greatest change in our daily lives since the tragedy of World War II.
Il Covid-19 ha stravolto la vita quotidiana dell’intera popolazione mondiale producendo un mutamento sociale epocale. Durante le prime settimane di febbraio 2020, quando gli italiani stavano prendendo coscienza di quello che stava accadendo, ci siamo interrogati spesso sul ruolo che le scienze sociali e, in particolare, la sociologia avrebbero dovuto svolgere durante l’emergenza sanitaria e la sua narrazione pubblica. Il bisogno di reagire alla difficile situazione ci ha portati ad offrire al dibattito pubblico il nostro contributo di studiosi e ricercatori di scienze sociali. Questa spinta, con il passare del tempo, si è tradotta nella costruzione e organizzazione di un nuovo progetto scientifico ed editoriale che integrasse l’approccio tipico dell’inchiesta e dell’analisi sociale con lo strumento dell’intervista radiofonica. Così è nata, dunque, Radio Covid, un contenitore digitale all’interno del quale si sono alternati illustri esponenti della sociologia italiana. Questo libro vuole raccogliere quella condivisione di sapere sociologico che si è dialetticamente costruito durante l’emergenza pandemica, con l’obiettivo di dare il giusto valore al contributo che la teoria sociale e la ricerca empirica hanno proposto al dibattito pubblico e alla riflessione generale intorno al Covid-19. Gli ospiti delle puntate di Radio Covid hanno affrontato moltissimi temi di rilievo presenti nell’agenda sociopolitica che ha imposto il Coronavirus: dall’impatto ambientale al problema della sicurezza e delle regole del gioco democratico; dal ruolo giocato dall’Unione Europea e dall’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità alle politiche di welfare sanitario e alle problematiche relative al Sistema Sanitario Nazionale; dalle questioni relative alla comunicazione istituzionale e massmediatica alle ripercussioni sul mercato del lavoro e sui flussi di migranti; dagli stravolgimenti causati nel mondo dello sport a quelli registrati nella sfera religiosa; dalla crisi del sistema scolastico alle nuove forme di didattica a distanza. Un testo agile che vuole dare l’opportunità agli addetti ai lavori e a un pubblico più vasto interessato alle dinamiche sociali, di orientarsi nel più grande cambiamento della nostra vita quotidiana sopraggiunto dopo la tragedia della Seconda Guerra Mondiale.
Democratizzazione e demercificazione del lavoro al servizio della riconversione ecologica post Covid-19
Ferrari G
Covid-19 has disrupted the daily lives of the entire world's population and brought about epochal social change. Consequently, during the last month of February, as Italians became aware of what was happening, we often wondered what role Social Sciences, and sociology in particular, had to play in the health emergency and its public presentation. The need to respond to the difficult situation and to contribute to the public debate therefore led us to launch a new editorial project integrating social research and the radio interview approach, in order to start interpreting the Covid-19 phenomenon from a sociological perspective. Thus, Radio Covid was born and we started our interviews with well-known guests from the Italian civil society and sociological community. Building on the experience of Radio Covid, this book presents the efforts of sociological intervention during a pandemic emergency and shows the contribution that Public Sociology can make not only to the Covid-19 debate but also to the good practices applied in an emergency. Guests on the talk shows of Radio Covid have become authors addressing many important issues on the socio-political agenda imposed by the coronavirus. Many topics have been analyzed on the radio shows: the impact of Covid-19 on the environment, the security problem and the democratic rules of the game, the role of European Union and the World Health Organization, health policy and the problems associated with National Health System, institutional and mass media communication issues, the impact on the labor market, upheavals in the world of sports, and concerns in the area of religiosity. In sum, the reader can use this volume as a nimble guide to help both professionals and a broader audience interested in social dynamics navigate the greatest change in our daily lives since the tragedy of World War II.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.