Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e Odontoiatria “Scuola Medica Salernitana”/DIPMED
(+)-N-allylnormetazocine enhances N-acetyltransferase activity and melatonin synthesis: preliminary evidence for a functional role of sigma receptors in the rat pineal gland
1995-01-01 Steardo, L; Monteleone, Palmiero; D'Istria, M; Serino, I; Maj, M; Cuomo, V.
2-[125]Iodomelatonin binding sites in the brain retina and Harderian gland of the green frog Rana esculenta
1994-01-01 Serino, I; Fuschino, A; Monteleone, Palmiero; D'Istria, M.
3111T/C polymorphism of the clock gene confers a predisposition to a lifetime lower body weight in anorexia and bulimia nervosa
2009-01-01 Tortorella, A; Monteleone, Palmiero; Perillo, D; DI GENIO, A. M.; Perris, F; Maj, M.
[Evaluation of therapeutic efficacy and pharmacokinetics of controlled release of trazodone in patients with major depressive disorder]
1994-01-01 Monteleone, Palmiero; Delrio, G.
A 4-year epidemiological study of typical and atypical eating disorders: preliminary evidence for subgroups of atypical eating disorders with different natural outcomes
2004-01-01 Cotrufo, P.; Monteleone, Palmiero; Castaldo, E.; Maj, M.
A comparative study of melatonin production in the retina, pineal gland and harderian gland of Bufo viridis and Rana esculenta
1993-01-01 Serino, I; D'Istria, M; Monteleone, Palmiero
A database of videos of physical exercise and sedentary behaviours to investigate automatic processes and perceptions related to physical exercise
2024-01-01 Cascino, Giammarco; Di Lodovico, Laura; Ceres, Rossella; Monteleone, Alessio Maria; Gorwood, Philip; Monteleone, Palmiero
A genome-wide association study of anorexia nervosa
2014-01-01 Boraska, V.; Franklin, C. S.; Floyd, J. A. B.; Thornton, L. M.; Huckins, L. M.; Southam, L.; Rayner, N. W.; Tachmazidou, I; Klump, K. L.; Treasure, J.; Lewis, C. M.; Schmidt, U.; Tozzi, F.; Kiezebrink, K.; Hebebrand, J.; Gorwood, P.; Adan, R. A. H.; Kas, M. J. H.; Favaro, A.; Santonastaso, P.; Fernández-Aranda, F.; Gratacos, M.; Rybakowski, F.; Dmitrzak-Weglarz, M.; Kaprio, J.; Keski-Rahkonen, A.; Raevuori, A.; Van Furth, E. F.; Slof-Op 't Landt, M. C. T.; Hudson, J.; Reichborn-Kjennerud, T.; Knudsen, G. P. S.; Monteleone, P.; Kaplan, A. S.; Karwautz, A.; Hakonarson, H.; Berrettini, W. H.; Guo, Y.; Li, D.; Schork, N. J.; Komaki, G.; Ando, T.; Inoko, H.; Esko, T.; Fischer, K.; Männik, K.; Metspalu, A.; Baker, J. H.; Cone, R. D.; Dackor, J.; Desocio, J. E.; Hilliard, C. E.; O'Toole, J. K.; Pantel, J.; Szatkiewicz, J. P.; Taico, C.; Zerwas, S.; Trace, S. E.; Davis, O. S. P.; Helder, S.; Bühren, K.; Burghardt, R.; De Zwaan, M.; Egberts, K.; Ehrlich, S.; Herpertz-Dahlmann, B.; Herzog, W.; Imgart, H.; Scherag, A.; Scherag, S.; Zipfel, S.; Boni, C. l.; Ramoz, N. l.; Versini, A.; Brandys, M. K.; Danner, U. N.; De Kovel, C.; Hendriks, J.; Koeleman, B. P. C.; Ophoff, R. A.; Strengman, E.; Van Elburg, A. A.; Bruson, A.; Clementi, M.; Degortes, D.; Forzan, M.; Tenconi, E.; Docampo, E.; Escaramís, G.; Jiménez-Murcia, S.; Lissowska, J.; Rajewski, A.; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N.; Slopien, A.; Hauser, J.; Karhunen, L.; Meulenbelt, I.; Slagboom, P. E.; Tortorella, A.; Maj, M.; Dedoussis, G.; Dikeos, D.; Gonidakis, F.; Tziouvas, K.; Tsitsika, A.; Papezova, H.; Slachtova, L.; Martaskova, D.; Kennedy, J. L.; Levitan, R. D.; Yilmaz, Z.; Huemer, J.; Koubek, D.; Merl, E.; Wagner, G.; Lichtenstein, P.; Breen, G.; Cohen-Woods, S.; Farmer, A.; Mcguffin, P.; Cichon, S.; Giegling, I.; Herms, S.; Rujescu, D.; Schreiber, S.; Wichmann, H. -E.; Dina, C.; Sladek, R.; Gambaro, G.; Soranzo, N.; Julia, A.; Marsal, S.; Rabionet, R.; Gaborieau, V.; Dick, D. M.; Palotie, A.; Ripatti, S.; Widén, E.; Andreassen, O. A.; Espeseth, T.; Lundervold, A.; Reinvang, I.; Steen, V. M.; Le Hellard, S.; Mattingsdal, M.; Ntalla, I.; Bencko, V.; Foretova, L.; Janout, V.; Navratilova, M.; Gallinger, S.; Pinto, D.; Scherer, S. W.; Aschauer, H.; Carlberg, L.; Schosser, A.; Alfredsson, L.; Ding, B.; Klareskog, L.; Padyukov, L.; Courtet, P.; Guillaume, S.; Jaussent, I.; Finan, C.; Kalsi, G.; Roberts, M.; Logan, D. W.; Peltonen, L.; Ritchie, G. R. S.; Barrett, J. C.; Anderson, C. A.; Mcginnis, R.; Zeggini, E.; Sambrook, J.; Stephens, J.; Ouwehand, W. H.; Mcardle, W. L.; Ring, S. M.; Strachan, D. P.; Alexander, G.; Bulik, C. M.; Collier, D. A.; Conlon, P. J.; Dominiczak, A.; Duncanson, A.; Hill, A.; Langford, C.; Lord, G.; Maxwell, A. P.; Morgan, L.; Sandford, R. N.; Sheerin, N.; Vannberg, F. O.; Blackburn, H.; Chen, W. -M.; Edkins, S.; Gillman, M.; Gray, E.; Hunt, S. E.; Onengut-Gumuscu, S.; Potter, S.; Rich, S. S.; Simpkin, D.; Whittaker, P.; Estivill, X.; Hinney, A.; Sullivan, P. F.
A genome-wide association study of anorexia nervosa suggests a risk locus implicated in dysregulated leptin signaling
2017-01-01 Li, D; Chang, X; Connolly, Jj; Tian, L; Liu, Y; Bhoj, Ej; Robinson, N; Abrams, D; Li, Yr; Bradfield, Jp; Kim, Ce; Li, J; Wang, F; Snyder, J; Lemma, M; Hou, C; Wei, Z; Guo, Y; Qiu, H; Mentch, Fd; Thomas, Ka; Chiavacci, Rm; Cone, R; Li, B; Sleiman, Pa; Boraska Perica, V; Franklin, Cs; Floyd, Jab; Thornton, Lm; Huckins, Lm; Southam, L; Rayner, Nw; Tachmazidou, I; Klump, Kl; Treasure, J; Schmidt, U; Tozzi, F; Kiezebrink, K; Hebebrand, J; Gorwood, P; Adan, Rah; Kas, Mjh; Favaro, A; Santonastaso, P; Fernánde-Aranda, F; Gratacos, M; Rybakowski, F; Dmitrzak-Weglarz, M; Kaprio, J; Keski-Rahkonen, A; Raevuori-Helkamaa, A; Van Furth, Ef; Slof-Op't Landt, Mct; Hudson, Ji; Reichborn-Kjennerud, T; Knudsen, Gps; Monteleone, P; Kaplan, As; Karwautz, A; Berrettini, Wh; Schork, Nj; Ando, T; Inoko, H; Esko, T; Fischer, K; Männik, K; Metspalu, A; Baker, Jh; Desocio, Je; Hilliard, Ce; O'Toole, Jk; Pantel, J; Szatkiewicz, Jp; Zerwas, S; Davis, Osp; Helder, S; Bühren, K; Burghardt, R; de Zwaan, M; Egberts, K; Ehrlich, S; Herpertz-Dahlmann, B; Herzog, W; Imgart, H; Scherag, A; Zipfel, S; Boni, C; Ramoz, N; Versini, A; Danner, Un; Hendriks, J; Koeleman, Bpc; Ophoff, Ra; Strengman, E; van Elburg, Aa; Bruson, A; Clementi, M; Degortes, D; Forzan, M; Tenconi, E; Docampo, E; Escaramís, G; Jiménez-Murcia, S; Lissowska, J; Rajewski, A; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N; Slopien, A; Hauser, J; Karhunen, L; Meulenbelt, I; Slagboom, Pe; Tortorella, A; Maj, M; Dedoussis, G; Dikeos, D; Gonidakis, F; Tziouvas, K; Tsitsika, A; Papezova, H; Slachtova, L; Martaskova, D; Kennedy, Jl; Levitan, Rd; Yilmaz, Z; Huemer, J; Koubek, D; Merl, E; Wagner, G; Lichtenstein, P; Breen, G; Cohen-Woods, S; Farmer, A; Mcguffin, P; Cichon, S; Giegling, I; Herms, S; Dan, Rujescu; Schreiber, S; Wichmann, He; Dina, C; Sladek, R; Gambaro, G; Soranzo, N; Julia, A; Marsal, S; Rabionet, R; Gaborieau, V; Dick, Dm; Palotie, A; Ripatti, S; Widén, E; Andreassen, Oa; Espeseth, T; Lundervold, A; Reinvang, I; Steen, Vm; Le Hellard, S; Mattingsdal, M; Ntalla, I; Bencko, V; Foretova, L; Janout, V; Navratilova, M; Gallinger, S; Pinto, D; Scherer, Sw; Aschauer, H; Carlberg, L; Schosser, A; Alfredsson, L; Ding, B; Klareskog, L; Padyukov, L; Finan, C; Kalsi, G; Roberts, M; Barrett, Jc; Estivill, X; Hinney, A; Sullivan, Pf; Zeggini, E; Brandt, H; Crawford, S; Crow, S; Fichter, Mm; Halmi, Ka; Johnson, C; La Via, Mc; Mitchell, J; Strober, M; Rotondo, A; Woodside, Db; Bulik, Cm; Keel, Pk; Lilenfeld, L; Bergen, Aw; Kaye, W; Magistretti, P; Hakonarson, H
A multivariate approach to investigate the associations of electrophysiological indices with schizophrenia clinical and functional outcome
2023-01-01 Giuliani, Luigi; Koutsouleris, Nikolaos; Giordano, Giulia Maria; Koenig, Thomas; Mucci, Armida; Perrottelli, Andrea; Reuf, Anne; Altamura, Mario; Bellomo, Antonello; Brugnoli, Roberto; Corrivetti, Giulio; Di Lorenzo, Giorgio; Girardi, Paolo; Monteleone, Palmiero; Niolu, Cinzia; Galderisi, Silvana; Maj, Mario
A network analysis of psychological, personality and eating characteristics of people seeking bariatric surgery: Identification of key variables and their prognostic value
2019-01-01 Monteleone, Alessio Maria; Cascino, Giammarco; Solmi, Marco; Pirozzi, Raffaele; Tolone, Salvatore; Terracciano, Gianmattia; Parisi, Simona; Cimino, Monica; Monteleone, Palmiero; Maj, Mario; Docimo, Ludovico
Abnormal diurnal patterns of salivary α-amylase and cortisol secretion in acute patients with anorexia nervosa
2011-01-01 Monteleone, Palmiero; Pasquale, Scognamiglio; Alessio Maria, Monteleone; Daniele, Mastromo; Luca Steardo, J. r.; Ismene, Serino; Mario, Maj
Accuracy of self-assessment of real-life functioning in schizophrenia
2021-01-01 Rocca, Paola; Brasso, Claudio; Montemagni, Cristiana; Bellino, Silvio; Rossi, Alessandro; Bertolino, Alessandro; Gibertoni, Dino; Aguglia, Eugenio; Amore, Mario; Andriola, Ileana; Bellomo, Antonello; Bucci, Paola; Buzzanca, Antonino; Carpiniello, Bernardo; Cuomo, Alessandro; Dell'Osso, Liliana; Favaro, Angela; Giordano, Giulia Maria; Marchesi, Carlo; Monteleone, Palmiero; Oldani, Lucio; Pompili, Maurizio; Roncone, Rita; Rossi, Rodolfo; Siracusano, Alberto; Vita, Antonio; Zeppegno, Patrizia; Galderisi, Silvana; Maj, Mario; Bozzatello, Paola; Badino, Cristina; Giordano, Benedetta; Di Palo, Piergiuseppe; Calia, Vitalba; Papalino, Marco; Barlati, Stefano; Deste, Giacomo; Ceraso, Anna; Pinna, Federica; Olivieri, Benedetta; Manca, Daniela; Piegari, Giuseppe; Brando, Francesco; Giuliani, Luigi; Aiello, Carmen; Fusar Poli, Laura; Concerto, Carmen; Surace, Teresa; Altamura, Mario; Malerba, Stefania; Padalino, Flavia; Calcagno, Pietro; Belvederi Murri, Martino; Amerio, Andrea; Pacitti, Francesca; Socci, Valentina; Lucaselli, Alessia; Giusti, Laura; Salza, Anna; Ussorio, Donatella; Iasevoli, Felice; Gramaglia, Carla; Gambaro, Eleonora; Gattoni, Eleonora; Tenconi, Elena; Collantoni, Enrico; Meneguzzo, Paolo; Ossola, Paolo; Tonna, Matteo; Gerra, Maria Lidia; Carmassi, Claudia; Carpita, Barbara; Cremone, Ivan Mirko; Corrivetti, Giulio; Cascino, Giammarco; Marciello, Francesca; Brugnoli, Roberto; Comparelli, Anna; Corigliano, Valentina; Girardi, Nicoletta; Accinni, Tommaso; Carlone, Luca; Fagiolini, Andrea; Goracci, Arianna; Bolognesi, Simone; Di Lorenzo, Giorgio; Niolu, Cinzia; Ribolsi, Michele
Acute trazodone administration decreases plasma cortisol levels in healthy subjects.
1990-01-01 Monteleone, Palmiero; Gnocchi, G.
Adult attachment style and salivary alpha-amylase and emotional responses to a psychosocial stressor in women with eating disorders
2022-01-01 Cascino, G.; Ruzzi, V.; D'Agostino, G.; Barone, E.; Del Giorno, C.; Monteleone, P.; Monteleone, A. M.
Aggressive behavioral characteristics and endogenous hormones in women with Bulimia nervosa
2000-01-01 Cotrufo, P; Monteleone, Palmiero; D'Istria, M; Fuschino, A; Serino, I; Maj, M.
Alexithymia and cortisol awakening response in people with eating disorders
2020-01-01 Cascino, Giammarco; Monteleone, Alessio Maria; Marciello, Francesca; Pellegrino, Francesca; Ruzzi, Valeria; Monteleone, Palmiero
Alterazioni neuroendocrine nella depressione stagionale
2000-01-01 Monteleone, Palmiero; Tortorella, A; Colurcio, B; Maj, M.
Altered immunoreactive levels of G proteins in peripheral mononuclear cells of patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
2003-01-01 Monteleone, Palmiero; DI LIETO, A; Martiadis, V; Pannuto, M; Maj, M.
Altered processing of rewarding and aversive basic taste stimuli in symptomatic women with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: An fMRI study
2017-01-01 Monteleone, Alessio Maria; Monteleone, Palmiero; Esposito, Fabrizio; Prinster, Anna; Volpe, Umberto; Cantone, Elena; Pellegrino, Francesca; Canna, Antonietta; Milano, Walter; Aiello, Marco; DI SALLE, Francesco; Maj, Mario
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autore(i) | File |
(+)-N-allylnormetazocine enhances N-acetyltransferase activity and melatonin synthesis: preliminary evidence for a functional role of sigma receptors in the rat pineal gland | 1-gen-1995 | Steardo, L; Monteleone, Palmiero; D'Istria, M; Serino, I; Maj, M; Cuomo, V. | |
2-[125]Iodomelatonin binding sites in the brain retina and Harderian gland of the green frog Rana esculenta | 1-gen-1994 | Serino, I; Fuschino, A; Monteleone, Palmiero; D'Istria, M. | |
3111T/C polymorphism of the clock gene confers a predisposition to a lifetime lower body weight in anorexia and bulimia nervosa | 1-gen-2009 | Tortorella, A; Monteleone, Palmiero; Perillo, D; DI GENIO, A. M.; Perris, F; Maj, M. | |
[Evaluation of therapeutic efficacy and pharmacokinetics of controlled release of trazodone in patients with major depressive disorder] | 1-gen-1994 | Monteleone, Palmiero; Delrio, G. | |
A 4-year epidemiological study of typical and atypical eating disorders: preliminary evidence for subgroups of atypical eating disorders with different natural outcomes | 1-gen-2004 | Cotrufo, P.; Monteleone, Palmiero; Castaldo, E.; Maj, M. | |
A comparative study of melatonin production in the retina, pineal gland and harderian gland of Bufo viridis and Rana esculenta | 1-gen-1993 | Serino, I; D'Istria, M; Monteleone, Palmiero | |
A database of videos of physical exercise and sedentary behaviours to investigate automatic processes and perceptions related to physical exercise | 1-gen-2024 | Cascino, Giammarco; Di Lodovico, Laura; Ceres, Rossella; Monteleone, Alessio Maria; Gorwood, Philip; Monteleone, Palmiero | |
A genome-wide association study of anorexia nervosa | 1-gen-2014 | Boraska, V.; Franklin, C. S.; Floyd, J. A. B.; Thornton, L. M.; Huckins, L. M.; Southam, L.; Rayner, N. W.; Tachmazidou, I; Klump, K. L.; Treasure, J.; Lewis, C. M.; Schmidt, U.; Tozzi, F.; Kiezebrink, K.; Hebebrand, J.; Gorwood, P.; Adan, R. A. H.; Kas, M. J. H.; Favaro, A.; Santonastaso, P.; Fernández-Aranda, F.; Gratacos, M.; Rybakowski, F.; Dmitrzak-Weglarz, M.; Kaprio, J.; Keski-Rahkonen, A.; Raevuori, A.; Van Furth, E. F.; Slof-Op 't Landt, M. C. T.; Hudson, J.; Reichborn-Kjennerud, T.; Knudsen, G. P. S.; Monteleone, P.; Kaplan, A. S.; Karwautz, A.; Hakonarson, H.; Berrettini, W. H.; Guo, Y.; Li, D.; Schork, N. J.; Komaki, G.; Ando, T.; Inoko, H.; Esko, T.; Fischer, K.; Männik, K.; Metspalu, A.; Baker, J. H.; Cone, R. D.; Dackor, J.; Desocio, J. E.; Hilliard, C. E.; O'Toole, J. K.; Pantel, J.; Szatkiewicz, J. P.; Taico, C.; Zerwas, S.; Trace, S. E.; Davis, O. S. P.; Helder, S.; Bühren, K.; Burghardt, R.; De Zwaan, M.; Egberts, K.; Ehrlich, S.; Herpertz-Dahlmann, B.; Herzog, W.; Imgart, H.; Scherag, A.; Scherag, S.; Zipfel, S.; Boni, C. l.; Ramoz, N. l.; Versini, A.; Brandys, M. K.; Danner, U. N.; De Kovel, C.; Hendriks, J.; Koeleman, B. P. C.; Ophoff, R. A.; Strengman, E.; Van Elburg, A. A.; Bruson, A.; Clementi, M.; Degortes, D.; Forzan, M.; Tenconi, E.; Docampo, E.; Escaramís, G.; Jiménez-Murcia, S.; Lissowska, J.; Rajewski, A.; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N.; Slopien, A.; Hauser, J.; Karhunen, L.; Meulenbelt, I.; Slagboom, P. E.; Tortorella, A.; Maj, M.; Dedoussis, G.; Dikeos, D.; Gonidakis, F.; Tziouvas, K.; Tsitsika, A.; Papezova, H.; Slachtova, L.; Martaskova, D.; Kennedy, J. L.; Levitan, R. D.; Yilmaz, Z.; Huemer, J.; Koubek, D.; Merl, E.; Wagner, G.; Lichtenstein, P.; Breen, G.; Cohen-Woods, S.; Farmer, A.; Mcguffin, P.; Cichon, S.; Giegling, I.; Herms, S.; Rujescu, D.; Schreiber, S.; Wichmann, H. -E.; Dina, C.; Sladek, R.; Gambaro, G.; Soranzo, N.; Julia, A.; Marsal, S.; Rabionet, R.; Gaborieau, V.; Dick, D. M.; Palotie, A.; Ripatti, S.; Widén, E.; Andreassen, O. A.; Espeseth, T.; Lundervold, A.; Reinvang, I.; Steen, V. M.; Le Hellard, S.; Mattingsdal, M.; Ntalla, I.; Bencko, V.; Foretova, L.; Janout, V.; Navratilova, M.; Gallinger, S.; Pinto, D.; Scherer, S. W.; Aschauer, H.; Carlberg, L.; Schosser, A.; Alfredsson, L.; Ding, B.; Klareskog, L.; Padyukov, L.; Courtet, P.; Guillaume, S.; Jaussent, I.; Finan, C.; Kalsi, G.; Roberts, M.; Logan, D. W.; Peltonen, L.; Ritchie, G. R. S.; Barrett, J. C.; Anderson, C. A.; Mcginnis, R.; Zeggini, E.; Sambrook, J.; Stephens, J.; Ouwehand, W. H.; Mcardle, W. L.; Ring, S. M.; Strachan, D. P.; Alexander, G.; Bulik, C. M.; Collier, D. A.; Conlon, P. J.; Dominiczak, A.; Duncanson, A.; Hill, A.; Langford, C.; Lord, G.; Maxwell, A. P.; Morgan, L.; Sandford, R. N.; Sheerin, N.; Vannberg, F. O.; Blackburn, H.; Chen, W. -M.; Edkins, S.; Gillman, M.; Gray, E.; Hunt, S. E.; Onengut-Gumuscu, S.; Potter, S.; Rich, S. S.; Simpkin, D.; Whittaker, P.; Estivill, X.; Hinney, A.; Sullivan, P. F. | |
A genome-wide association study of anorexia nervosa suggests a risk locus implicated in dysregulated leptin signaling | 1-gen-2017 | Li, D; Chang, X; Connolly, Jj; Tian, L; Liu, Y; Bhoj, Ej; Robinson, N; Abrams, D; Li, Yr; Bradfield, Jp; Kim, Ce; Li, J; Wang, F; Snyder, J; Lemma, M; Hou, C; Wei, Z; Guo, Y; Qiu, H; Mentch, Fd; Thomas, Ka; Chiavacci, Rm; Cone, R; Li, B; Sleiman, Pa; Boraska Perica, V; Franklin, Cs; Floyd, Jab; Thornton, Lm; Huckins, Lm; Southam, L; Rayner, Nw; Tachmazidou, I; Klump, Kl; Treasure, J; Schmidt, U; Tozzi, F; Kiezebrink, K; Hebebrand, J; Gorwood, P; Adan, Rah; Kas, Mjh; Favaro, A; Santonastaso, P; Fernánde-Aranda, F; Gratacos, M; Rybakowski, F; Dmitrzak-Weglarz, M; Kaprio, J; Keski-Rahkonen, A; Raevuori-Helkamaa, A; Van Furth, Ef; Slof-Op't Landt, Mct; Hudson, Ji; Reichborn-Kjennerud, T; Knudsen, Gps; Monteleone, P; Kaplan, As; Karwautz, A; Berrettini, Wh; Schork, Nj; Ando, T; Inoko, H; Esko, T; Fischer, K; Männik, K; Metspalu, A; Baker, Jh; Desocio, Je; Hilliard, Ce; O'Toole, Jk; Pantel, J; Szatkiewicz, Jp; Zerwas, S; Davis, Osp; Helder, S; Bühren, K; Burghardt, R; de Zwaan, M; Egberts, K; Ehrlich, S; Herpertz-Dahlmann, B; Herzog, W; Imgart, H; Scherag, A; Zipfel, S; Boni, C; Ramoz, N; Versini, A; Danner, Un; Hendriks, J; Koeleman, Bpc; Ophoff, Ra; Strengman, E; van Elburg, Aa; Bruson, A; Clementi, M; Degortes, D; Forzan, M; Tenconi, E; Docampo, E; Escaramís, G; Jiménez-Murcia, S; Lissowska, J; Rajewski, A; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N; Slopien, A; Hauser, J; Karhunen, L; Meulenbelt, I; Slagboom, Pe; Tortorella, A; Maj, M; Dedoussis, G; Dikeos, D; Gonidakis, F; Tziouvas, K; Tsitsika, A; Papezova, H; Slachtova, L; Martaskova, D; Kennedy, Jl; Levitan, Rd; Yilmaz, Z; Huemer, J; Koubek, D; Merl, E; Wagner, G; Lichtenstein, P; Breen, G; Cohen-Woods, S; Farmer, A; Mcguffin, P; Cichon, S; Giegling, I; Herms, S; Dan, Rujescu; Schreiber, S; Wichmann, He; Dina, C; Sladek, R; Gambaro, G; Soranzo, N; Julia, A; Marsal, S; Rabionet, R; Gaborieau, V; Dick, Dm; Palotie, A; Ripatti, S; Widén, E; Andreassen, Oa; Espeseth, T; Lundervold, A; Reinvang, I; Steen, Vm; Le Hellard, S; Mattingsdal, M; Ntalla, I; Bencko, V; Foretova, L; Janout, V; Navratilova, M; Gallinger, S; Pinto, D; Scherer, Sw; Aschauer, H; Carlberg, L; Schosser, A; Alfredsson, L; Ding, B; Klareskog, L; Padyukov, L; Finan, C; Kalsi, G; Roberts, M; Barrett, Jc; Estivill, X; Hinney, A; Sullivan, Pf; Zeggini, E; Brandt, H; Crawford, S; Crow, S; Fichter, Mm; Halmi, Ka; Johnson, C; La Via, Mc; Mitchell, J; Strober, M; Rotondo, A; Woodside, Db; Bulik, Cm; Keel, Pk; Lilenfeld, L; Bergen, Aw; Kaye, W; Magistretti, P; Hakonarson, H | |
A multivariate approach to investigate the associations of electrophysiological indices with schizophrenia clinical and functional outcome | 1-gen-2023 | Giuliani, Luigi; Koutsouleris, Nikolaos; Giordano, Giulia Maria; Koenig, Thomas; Mucci, Armida; Perrottelli, Andrea; Reuf, Anne; Altamura, Mario; Bellomo, Antonello; Brugnoli, Roberto; Corrivetti, Giulio; Di Lorenzo, Giorgio; Girardi, Paolo; Monteleone, Palmiero; Niolu, Cinzia; Galderisi, Silvana; Maj, Mario | |
A network analysis of psychological, personality and eating characteristics of people seeking bariatric surgery: Identification of key variables and their prognostic value | 1-gen-2019 | Monteleone, Alessio Maria; Cascino, Giammarco; Solmi, Marco; Pirozzi, Raffaele; Tolone, Salvatore; Terracciano, Gianmattia; Parisi, Simona; Cimino, Monica; Monteleone, Palmiero; Maj, Mario; Docimo, Ludovico | |
Abnormal diurnal patterns of salivary α-amylase and cortisol secretion in acute patients with anorexia nervosa | 1-gen-2011 | Monteleone, Palmiero; Pasquale, Scognamiglio; Alessio Maria, Monteleone; Daniele, Mastromo; Luca Steardo, J. r.; Ismene, Serino; Mario, Maj | |
Accuracy of self-assessment of real-life functioning in schizophrenia | 1-gen-2021 | Rocca, Paola; Brasso, Claudio; Montemagni, Cristiana; Bellino, Silvio; Rossi, Alessandro; Bertolino, Alessandro; Gibertoni, Dino; Aguglia, Eugenio; Amore, Mario; Andriola, Ileana; Bellomo, Antonello; Bucci, Paola; Buzzanca, Antonino; Carpiniello, Bernardo; Cuomo, Alessandro; Dell'Osso, Liliana; Favaro, Angela; Giordano, Giulia Maria; Marchesi, Carlo; Monteleone, Palmiero; Oldani, Lucio; Pompili, Maurizio; Roncone, Rita; Rossi, Rodolfo; Siracusano, Alberto; Vita, Antonio; Zeppegno, Patrizia; Galderisi, Silvana; Maj, Mario; Bozzatello, Paola; Badino, Cristina; Giordano, Benedetta; Di Palo, Piergiuseppe; Calia, Vitalba; Papalino, Marco; Barlati, Stefano; Deste, Giacomo; Ceraso, Anna; Pinna, Federica; Olivieri, Benedetta; Manca, Daniela; Piegari, Giuseppe; Brando, Francesco; Giuliani, Luigi; Aiello, Carmen; Fusar Poli, Laura; Concerto, Carmen; Surace, Teresa; Altamura, Mario; Malerba, Stefania; Padalino, Flavia; Calcagno, Pietro; Belvederi Murri, Martino; Amerio, Andrea; Pacitti, Francesca; Socci, Valentina; Lucaselli, Alessia; Giusti, Laura; Salza, Anna; Ussorio, Donatella; Iasevoli, Felice; Gramaglia, Carla; Gambaro, Eleonora; Gattoni, Eleonora; Tenconi, Elena; Collantoni, Enrico; Meneguzzo, Paolo; Ossola, Paolo; Tonna, Matteo; Gerra, Maria Lidia; Carmassi, Claudia; Carpita, Barbara; Cremone, Ivan Mirko; Corrivetti, Giulio; Cascino, Giammarco; Marciello, Francesca; Brugnoli, Roberto; Comparelli, Anna; Corigliano, Valentina; Girardi, Nicoletta; Accinni, Tommaso; Carlone, Luca; Fagiolini, Andrea; Goracci, Arianna; Bolognesi, Simone; Di Lorenzo, Giorgio; Niolu, Cinzia; Ribolsi, Michele | |
Acute trazodone administration decreases plasma cortisol levels in healthy subjects. | 1-gen-1990 | Monteleone, Palmiero; Gnocchi, G. | |
Adult attachment style and salivary alpha-amylase and emotional responses to a psychosocial stressor in women with eating disorders | 1-gen-2022 | Cascino, G.; Ruzzi, V.; D'Agostino, G.; Barone, E.; Del Giorno, C.; Monteleone, P.; Monteleone, A. M. | |
Aggressive behavioral characteristics and endogenous hormones in women with Bulimia nervosa | 1-gen-2000 | Cotrufo, P; Monteleone, Palmiero; D'Istria, M; Fuschino, A; Serino, I; Maj, M. | |
Alexithymia and cortisol awakening response in people with eating disorders | 1-gen-2020 | Cascino, Giammarco; Monteleone, Alessio Maria; Marciello, Francesca; Pellegrino, Francesca; Ruzzi, Valeria; Monteleone, Palmiero | |
Alterazioni neuroendocrine nella depressione stagionale | 1-gen-2000 | Monteleone, Palmiero; Tortorella, A; Colurcio, B; Maj, M. | |
Altered immunoreactive levels of G proteins in peripheral mononuclear cells of patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa | 1-gen-2003 | Monteleone, Palmiero; DI LIETO, A; Martiadis, V; Pannuto, M; Maj, M. | |
Altered processing of rewarding and aversive basic taste stimuli in symptomatic women with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: An fMRI study | 1-gen-2017 | Monteleone, Alessio Maria; Monteleone, Palmiero; Esposito, Fabrizio; Prinster, Anna; Volpe, Umberto; Cantone, Elena; Pellegrino, Francesca; Canna, Antonietta; Milano, Walter; Aiello, Marco; DI SALLE, Francesco; Maj, Mario |