Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali - Management & Innovation Systems/DISA-MIS
A case study in smart manufacturing: predictive analysis of cure cycle results for a composite component.
2022-01-01 Bangerter, Ml; Fenza, G; Gallo, M; Volpe, A; Caminale, G; Gallo, N; Leone, F
A Cognitive Approach based on the Actionable Knowledge Graph for supporting Maintenance Operations
2020-01-01 Fenza, G.; Gallo, M.; Loia, V.; Marino, D.; Orciuoli, F.
A Hybrid Framework Integrating LLM and ANFIS for Explainable Fact-Checking
2024-01-01 Bangerter, Micaela Lucia; Fenza, Giuseppe; Furno, Domenico; Gallo, Mariacristina; Loia, Vincenzo; Stanzione, Claudio; You, Ilsun
A Perceived Risk Index Leveraging Social Media Data: Assessing Severity of Fire on Microblogging
2024-01-01 De Maio, Carmen; Fenza, Giuseppe; Gallo, Mariacristina; Loia, Vincenzo; Volpe, Alberto
Cognitive name-face association through context-aware Graph Neural Network
2022-01-01 Fenza, G.; Gallo, M.; Loia, V.; Volpe, A.
Concept-drift detection index based on fuzzy formal concept analysis for fake news classifiers
2023-01-01 Fenza, G; Gallo, M; Loia, V; Petrone, A; Stanzione, C
Cross-relating heterogeneous Text Streams for Credibility Assessment
2020-01-01 De Maio, C.; Fenza, G.; Gallo, M.; Loia, V.; Volpe, A.
Data set quality in Machine Learning: Consistency measure based on Group Decision Making
2021-01-01 Fenza, G.; Gallo, M.; Loia, V.; Orciuoli, F.; Herrera-Viedma, E.
Drift-aware Methodology for Anomaly Detection in Smart Grid
2019-01-01 Fenza, G.; Gallo, M.; Loia, V
Etiology of emergency department overcrowding: descriptive analytics of inappropriate accesses at Salerno hospital in Italy
2020-01-01 Andretta, V.; Fenza, G.; Gallo, M.; Loia, V
Evaluating Web Domain Credibility: A Multifactorial Score for Analyzing Online Reliability
2024-01-01 Fenza, G.; Gallo, M.; Loia, V.; Stanzione, C.
Extending the common information model for smart grids operational computations based on bus-branch models
2018-01-01 Celotto, A.; De Falco, M.; Gallo, M.; Vaccaro, A.
Fine-Grained Context-aware Ad Targeting on Social Media Platforms
2020-01-01 De Maio, C.; Gallo, M.; Hao, F.; Loia, V.; Yang, E.
Formal and relational concept analysis for fuzzy-based automatic semantic annotation
2014-01-01 DE MAIO, Carmen; Fenza, Giuseppe; Gallo, M.; Loia, Vincenzo; Senatore, Sabrina
Fuzzy knowledge approach to automatic disease diagnosis
2011-01-01 DE MAIO, Carmen; Loia, Vincenzo; Fenza, Giuseppe; Gallo, Mariacristina; Linciano, R.; Morrone, A.
Group Decision Making as Consistency Measure for Learning To Rank
2021-01-01 Fenza, G; Gallo, M; Loia, V; Nota, Fd; Orciuoli, F; Herrera-Viedma, E
Implementing the Cognition Level for Industry 4.0 by Integrating Augmented Reality and Manufacturing Execution Systems
2020-01-01 Di Pace, A.; Fenza, G.; Gallo, M.; Loia, V.; Meglio, A.; Orciuoli, F.
Information Disorder: What about global security implications?
2022-01-01 Gallo, Mariacristina; Fenza, Giuseppe; Battista, Daniele
NSL-BP: A Meta Classifier Model Based Prediction of Amazon Product Reviews
2021-01-01 Kumar, P; Dayal, M; Khari, M; Fenza, G; Gallo, M
Pharmacovigilance in the era of social media: Discovering adverse drug events cross-relating Twitter and PubMed
2021-01-01 De Rosa, M.; Fenza, G.; Gallo, A.; Gallo, M.; Loia, V.