Pomponius Laetus, the great humanist active in the second half of the fifteenth century, in the courses he held in the Studium Urbis commented upon all Virgil, not only on his authentic works, but also those that make up the so-called Appendix Vergiliana. Pomponius’ commentary, which was never published by him, but came out around 1490 in a pirated edition, has a mostly explanatory character. It particularly illustrates (sometimes in depth) geographic, antiquarian, historical, mythological questions. This paper provides some specimens of this exegetical activity, paying particular attention to Pomponius’ sources, including Varro and Ps.-Probus.
Pomponio Leto, il grande umanista attivo nella seconda metà del XV secolo, commentò, nei corsi che tenne nello Studium Urbis, tutto Virgilio, non solo le opere autentiche, ma anche quelle che costituiscono la cosiddetta Appendix Vergiliana. Il commento, che non fu mai pubblicato dal Leto, ma uscì intorno al 1490 in un’edizione pirata, ha un carattere soprattutto esplicativo; illustra, talvolta in maniera approfondita, specialmente le questioni geografiche, antiquarie, storiche, mitologiche. Questo contributo ne offre alcuni specimina, prestando particolare attenzione alle fonti utilizzate da Pomponio, tra cui Varrone e lo Ps.-Probo.
Il commento di Pomponio Leto all'Appendix Vergiliana: primi sondaggi
Pomponius Laetus, the great humanist active in the second half of the fifteenth century, in the courses he held in the Studium Urbis commented upon all Virgil, not only on his authentic works, but also those that make up the so-called Appendix Vergiliana. Pomponius’ commentary, which was never published by him, but came out around 1490 in a pirated edition, has a mostly explanatory character. It particularly illustrates (sometimes in depth) geographic, antiquarian, historical, mythological questions. This paper provides some specimens of this exegetical activity, paying particular attention to Pomponius’ sources, including Varro and Ps.-Probus.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.