In the second half of the XIX century the beginning of hydraulic binders’ production on an industrial scale caused, in the city of Salerno too, a slow but inexorable renewal of the building techniques, that led to the achievement of the reinforced concrete as a building material, between the two World Wars and in the period after them. The use of this new material for the buildings occurred gradually, without causing a distortion in the traditional building system, first only with ornamental inserts and then in substitution for the traditional joisted floors in wood and iron, which were changed in ribs and slabs in reinforced concrete, up to slowly extend also to the realization of the frameworks in reinforced concrete with beams and pillars. The research carried out the identification of some reinforced concrete floors built in Salerno in the early 20th century, examining their characteristics and state of conservation in order to identify suitable methods for their conservation.
Nella seconda metà del XIX secolo l’avvio su scala industriale della produzione di leganti idraulici diede vita, anche nella città di Salerno, ad un lento ma inarrestabile processo di rinnovamento delle tecniche costruttive, che portò all’affermazione del conglomerato cementizio armato come materiale da costruzione nell’arco temporale compreso tra le due guerre mondiali e alla sua generalizzata applicazione nel periodo post bellico. L’impiego del nuovo materiale avvenne in maniera graduale, dapprima con applicazioni “accessorie”, attraverso elementi ornamentali, poi in sostituzione dei tradizionali orizzontamenti in legno e ferro ai quali subentrarono nervature e solette in calcestruzzo armato fino ad estendersi lentamente anche alla realizzazione di strutture intelaiate. Nella ricerca si è proceduto all’individuazione di alcuni solai in calcestruzzo armato realizzati a Salerno nel primo Novecento, esaminandone caratteristiche e stato di conservazione al fine di individuare adeguate metodologie volte alla loro conservazione.
Federica Ribera
;Rossella Del Regno
In the second half of the XIX century the beginning of hydraulic binders’ production on an industrial scale caused, in the city of Salerno too, a slow but inexorable renewal of the building techniques, that led to the achievement of the reinforced concrete as a building material, between the two World Wars and in the period after them. The use of this new material for the buildings occurred gradually, without causing a distortion in the traditional building system, first only with ornamental inserts and then in substitution for the traditional joisted floors in wood and iron, which were changed in ribs and slabs in reinforced concrete, up to slowly extend also to the realization of the frameworks in reinforced concrete with beams and pillars. The research carried out the identification of some reinforced concrete floors built in Salerno in the early 20th century, examining their characteristics and state of conservation in order to identify suitable methods for their conservation.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.