The supremacy of European law on the Member States’ law is a basic principle of the European integration process. Nonetheless there are some limits: the so-called “counter-limits”, developed by the constitutional jurisprudence of some Member States and represented by the fundamental principles of the national constitutional legal systems. By the decision of 5 December 2017, issued as part of the well-known Taricco case, the Court of Justice of the European Union seems to have acknowledged the existence of the counter-limits.
La preminenza del diritto europeo su quello degli Stati membri è un principio basilare del processo di integrazione europea. Nondimeno tale primato incontra dei limiti. Si tratta dei cd. “controlimiti”, elaborati dalla giurisprudenza costituzionale di alcuni paesi membri e costituiti dai principi fondamentali degli ordinamenti costituzionali nazionali. Con la decisione 5 dicembre 2017, emessa nell’ambito dell’ormai famosa vicenda Taricco, la Corte di Giustizia UE sembra aver ammesso l’esistenza di tali controlimiti.
A proposito della Corte di giustizia UE e dei c.d. “controlimiti”: i casi Melloni e Taricco a confronto
tullio fenucci
The supremacy of European law on the Member States’ law is a basic principle of the European integration process. Nonetheless there are some limits: the so-called “counter-limits”, developed by the constitutional jurisprudence of some Member States and represented by the fundamental principles of the national constitutional legal systems. By the decision of 5 December 2017, issued as part of the well-known Taricco case, the Court of Justice of the European Union seems to have acknowledged the existence of the counter-limits.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.