The physician unlawful behaviour can affect, as well as from the point of view of criminal law and civil law, even on the strength of a disciplinary aspect. With the registration to the Order, in fact, the doctor is under the control of the Medical Association according to DLCPS n° 233/1946, to d.P.R. n° 221/1950 and to the Code of Conduct in force. Based on the analysis of 276 decisions of the Order of Physicians and Surgeons of Rome regarding disciplinary actions promoted from January 2008 to January 2010 towards more than 300 professional enrolled, the authors deal with the critical issues inherent in the various stages of the disciplinary procedure, analyze the crime types and examine the evaluation criteria adopted by the Medical Association. The investigation reveals statistically significant data related to sex, age and the specialistic areas most affected. Further foods for thought come from areas where may occur behavior possibly liable to disciplinary measures and frequent violation of professional ethics relating to the relationship between colleagues and the obligation of cooperation with the Order. The study enabled to highlight that only in a minority of cases it has achieved the referring of the physician and, therefore, the opening of a real disciplinary procedure. Overall the cases examined allowed to notice a dense disciplinary activity and an evaluation criteria judgment homogeneous and oriented at righteous rigour especially in execrable criminal cases. It is surprising, in particular, the significant number of expulsions from the Register in the time period examined by the authors; demonstrating that proper use of disciplinary power is incompatible with a myopic corporatism.
La condotta illecita del sanitario può rilevare, oltre che dal punto di vista penalistico e civilistico, anche sotto il profilo disciplinare. Con l’iscrizione all’albo, infatti, il medico viene assoggettato al controllo ordinistico in base al DLCPS n. 233/1946, al d.P.R. n. 221/1950 ed al Codice deontologico vigente. Partendo dall’analisi di 276 decisioni dell’Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi di Roma riguardanti le azioni disciplinari promosse dal gennaio 2008 al gennaio 2010 nei confronti di oltre 300 iscritti, gli Autori affrontano le criticità insite nelle varie fasi del procedimento disciplinare, analizzano la tipologia degli illeciti ed esaminano la criteriologia valutativa adottata dall’Ordine dei Medici. Dall’indagine emergono dati statisticamente significativi inerenti al sesso, all’età ed alle aree specialistiche maggiormente interessate. Ulteriori spunti di riflessione pervengono dagli ambiti in cui possono concretizzarsi comportamenti astrattamente passibili di sanzioni disciplinari nonché dalla frequente violazione dei doveri deontologici relativi al rapporto tra colleghi e all’obbligo di collaborazione con l’Ordine. Lo studio ha consentito di evidenziare che soltanto in una minoranza dei casi si è pervenuti al deferimento del sanitario e, quindi, all’apertura di un vero e proprio procedimento disciplinare. Nel complesso la casistica presa in esame ha permesso di rilevare un’attività disciplinare serrata nonché una criteriologia di giudizio sostanzialmente omogenea ed orientata al giusto rigore soprattutto in esecrabili fattispecie criminose. Sorprende, in particolare, il numero non indifferente di radiazioni dall’Albo comminate nell’arco temporale sottoposto al vaglio degli Autori; a dimostrazione che il corretto esercizio del potere disciplinare è inconciliabile con un miope corporativismo.
L'esercizio del potere disciplinare ordinistico: analisi statistica ed esemplificazione casistica
Alessandro Santurro;
The physician unlawful behaviour can affect, as well as from the point of view of criminal law and civil law, even on the strength of a disciplinary aspect. With the registration to the Order, in fact, the doctor is under the control of the Medical Association according to DLCPS n° 233/1946, to d.P.R. n° 221/1950 and to the Code of Conduct in force. Based on the analysis of 276 decisions of the Order of Physicians and Surgeons of Rome regarding disciplinary actions promoted from January 2008 to January 2010 towards more than 300 professional enrolled, the authors deal with the critical issues inherent in the various stages of the disciplinary procedure, analyze the crime types and examine the evaluation criteria adopted by the Medical Association. The investigation reveals statistically significant data related to sex, age and the specialistic areas most affected. Further foods for thought come from areas where may occur behavior possibly liable to disciplinary measures and frequent violation of professional ethics relating to the relationship between colleagues and the obligation of cooperation with the Order. The study enabled to highlight that only in a minority of cases it has achieved the referring of the physician and, therefore, the opening of a real disciplinary procedure. Overall the cases examined allowed to notice a dense disciplinary activity and an evaluation criteria judgment homogeneous and oriented at righteous rigour especially in execrable criminal cases. It is surprising, in particular, the significant number of expulsions from the Register in the time period examined by the authors; demonstrating that proper use of disciplinary power is incompatible with a myopic corporatism.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.