In this time of waiting the pandemic can be, paradoxically, an occasion, not to be wasted, to rethink teacher training paths for a renewed professionalism that could regain the traits of the magister, a teacher figure characterised by a recognisable «vocation», which is not so much or not only psychological, ethical, professional, relational, cultural and civil, but also, and above all, pedagogical. So if, as acutely suggested by Giuseppe Bertagna, we look at COVID-19 not only as an undeniable epochal adversity, but also as an opportunity for a regeneration and reauthentication of the person, then it seems that the time has come for a game-changer which is directed to a real, not only bombastic announcement of change. The following reflections aim at identifying the laboratory experience as a durable canon of initial and continuous teacher training. A laboratory experience that, treasuring what has been consolidated in the context of the qualifying Master’s Degree L.M. 85, can implement the transition, which has already been called for several times, from the paradigm of separation to that of integration between pedagogical knowledge and disciplinary languages.
Nel tempo dell’attesa la pandemia può, paradossalmente, essere un’occasione da non sprecare per ripensare percorsi di formazione per una rinnovata professionalità docente che riprenda i tratti di una figura dell’insegnante magister, connotato da una riconoscibile «vocazione» non tanto o non solo psicologica, etica, professionale, relazionale, culturale e civile, ma anche e soprattutto pedagogica. Se dunque, come acutamente suggerito da Giuseppe Bertagna, guardiamo al Covid non solo come innegabile epocale avversità, ma anche come opportunità per una rigenerazione ed una riautenticazione della persona, sembra, allora, giunto il tempo per un game-changer, diretto ad un reale e non solo roboante annuncio di cambiamento. Le riflessioni che seguiranno sono rivolte ad individuare l’esperienza laboratoriale come canone continuo della formazione iniziale e continua dei docenti. Un’esperienza laboratoriale che, tesaurizzando quanto già consolidato nella Laurea abilitante L.M. 85, sia capace di implementare quel già più volte auspicato passaggio dal paradigma della separazione a quello dell’integrazione tra saperi pedagogici e linguaggi disciplinari.
Dalla formazione iniziale alla formazione continua: il laboratorio come canone continuo
In this time of waiting the pandemic can be, paradoxically, an occasion, not to be wasted, to rethink teacher training paths for a renewed professionalism that could regain the traits of the magister, a teacher figure characterised by a recognisable «vocation», which is not so much or not only psychological, ethical, professional, relational, cultural and civil, but also, and above all, pedagogical. So if, as acutely suggested by Giuseppe Bertagna, we look at COVID-19 not only as an undeniable epochal adversity, but also as an opportunity for a regeneration and reauthentication of the person, then it seems that the time has come for a game-changer which is directed to a real, not only bombastic announcement of change. The following reflections aim at identifying the laboratory experience as a durable canon of initial and continuous teacher training. A laboratory experience that, treasuring what has been consolidated in the context of the qualifying Master’s Degree L.M. 85, can implement the transition, which has already been called for several times, from the paradigm of separation to that of integration between pedagogical knowledge and disciplinary languages.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.