On the push of the global financial crisis of 2008 the need to reorganize the system of local government and in particular of small basic local authorities, which in some countries had already been felt for decades, has aroused in Europe a deep political thought. In most of Europe there is now a tendency to increase the size of basic local authorities in order to improve their efficiency. In particular, the alternative concerns merger and cooperation, where the former involves the merging of two or more neighbouring local authorities into a single, larger political and administrative unit, while the latter, in principle, although not always, causes the creation of a second-level territorial entity, endowed with regulatory and/or statutory autonomy, for the associated exercise of functions and services within the competence of the entities called to be part of it. Both strategies have strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages. When reforms concerning local authorities are promoted, the optimal size of the latter for the performance of their functions is always of central importance. In fact, the change in the size of a local authority has consequences on its efficiency in the performance of its functions and on its level of democracy, impacting on the balance between the two elements.
A seguito della crisi finanziaria globale del 2008 l’esigenza del riordino del sistema delle autonomie territoriali ed in particolare dei piccoli enti territoriali di base, che in alcuni Paesi era già avvertita da decenni, ha suscitato in Europa una profonda riflessione politica. In gran parte d’Europa si tende ormai ad aumentare le dimensioni degli enti territoriali di base al fine di migliorarne l’efficienza. In particolare l’alternativa verte tra fusione e cooperazione, laddove la prima comporta l’accorpamento di due o più enti locali tra loro confinanti in un’unica unità politica e amministrativa di dimensioni più grandi, mentre la seconda, in linea di massima anche se non sempre, determina la creazione di un ente territoriale di secondo livello, dotato di autonomia normativa e/o statutaria, per l’esercizio associato di funzioni e servizi di competenza degli enti chiamati a farne parte. Entrambe le strategie presentano pregi e difetti, vantaggi e svantaggi. Quando si promuovono riforme che riguardano gli enti territoriali locali, la dimensione ottimale di questi ultimi per lo svolgimento delle loro funzioni riveste sempre un’importanza centrale. Infatti il cambiamento delle dimensioni di un ente territoriale produce conseguenze sulla sua efficienza nello svolgimento delle funzioni e sul suo livello di democraticità, impattando sull’equilibrio tra i due elementi.
Riflessioni comparate sul riordino dei piccoli enti territoriali di base
Tullio Fenucci
On the push of the global financial crisis of 2008 the need to reorganize the system of local government and in particular of small basic local authorities, which in some countries had already been felt for decades, has aroused in Europe a deep political thought. In most of Europe there is now a tendency to increase the size of basic local authorities in order to improve their efficiency. In particular, the alternative concerns merger and cooperation, where the former involves the merging of two or more neighbouring local authorities into a single, larger political and administrative unit, while the latter, in principle, although not always, causes the creation of a second-level territorial entity, endowed with regulatory and/or statutory autonomy, for the associated exercise of functions and services within the competence of the entities called to be part of it. Both strategies have strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages. When reforms concerning local authorities are promoted, the optimal size of the latter for the performance of their functions is always of central importance. In fact, the change in the size of a local authority has consequences on its efficiency in the performance of its functions and on its level of democracy, impacting on the balance between the two elements.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.