Drafted over a period of more than thirty years, the commentary on Juvenal by Sozomeno da Pistoia (1387-1458) may be said to illustrate the historical transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Two are the Juvenal manuscripts attributed to Sozomeno’s hand, both preserved in the Biblioteca Comunale Forteguerriana of Pistoia: MS A26 includes the text of Juvenal along with medieval scholia and glosses, all of which copied by Sozomeno in his youth; MS A35 is a ‘perpetual’ commentary that Sozomeno drafted in the 1440s, adopting an exegetical method based on the traditional form of lexical commentary (i.e., Papias’ lexicon), which Sozomeno complemented with further materials of historical and antiquarian nature. Sozomeno’s exegetical approach may be regarded as medieval, possibly of Carolingian descent. In his word-by-word comments he displays an almost obsessive attention to the meaning of each term. His rich scholarly apparatus includes not only erudite materials but also lexicographical entries, whose aim is rather encyclopedic and linguistic than interpretative. In fact, Sozomeno is not driven by the desire to make sense of the text, nor does he seem to appreciate the complexity of the textual tradition – an attitude made evident, among other things, by his disregard for the tool of emendation. Ultimately, Sozomeno’s commentary on Juvenal displays not only his critical inertia but also his lack of exegetical skills.
Lo studio del commento a Giovenale di Sozomeno da Pistoia (1387-1458) è interessante perché si colloca a cavallo tra due epoche e si sviluppa per più di trent’anni. Se si considerano infatti i due manoscritti del satirico vergati dalla sua mano, i mss. di Pistoia, Biblioteca Comunale Forteguerriana A26 – testo con scoli e glosse di tradizione medievale scritto durante la giovinezza – e A35, un commento perpetuo composto dall’umanista negli anni 40, si vede che egli applica un metodo esegetico fondato su un commento lessicale tradizionale, che parte dal lessico di Papias, integrato con note erudite di tipo storico e antiquario. La sua esegesi è ancora medievale e di ascendenza carolingia poiché commenta parola per parola con un’attenzione ossessiva al senso di ogni termine. Gli strumenti di cui dispone gli consentono di arricchire l’apparato erudito inserendo materiale erudito e costruendo delle schede lessicografiche dettagliate, ma con una finalità enciclopedica e linguistica piuttosto che interpretativa. Non avverte l’urgenza del significato, l’insoddisfazione per lo stato del testo e non è animato dal fuoco della correzione: in definitiva il commento a Giovenale rivela la sua inerzia e la sua mancanza di talento.
Sozomeno da Pistoia, commentateur de Juvénal à la charnière entre le Moyen âge et l'Humanisme
Stefano Grazzini
Drafted over a period of more than thirty years, the commentary on Juvenal by Sozomeno da Pistoia (1387-1458) may be said to illustrate the historical transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Two are the Juvenal manuscripts attributed to Sozomeno’s hand, both preserved in the Biblioteca Comunale Forteguerriana of Pistoia: MS A26 includes the text of Juvenal along with medieval scholia and glosses, all of which copied by Sozomeno in his youth; MS A35 is a ‘perpetual’ commentary that Sozomeno drafted in the 1440s, adopting an exegetical method based on the traditional form of lexical commentary (i.e., Papias’ lexicon), which Sozomeno complemented with further materials of historical and antiquarian nature. Sozomeno’s exegetical approach may be regarded as medieval, possibly of Carolingian descent. In his word-by-word comments he displays an almost obsessive attention to the meaning of each term. His rich scholarly apparatus includes not only erudite materials but also lexicographical entries, whose aim is rather encyclopedic and linguistic than interpretative. In fact, Sozomeno is not driven by the desire to make sense of the text, nor does he seem to appreciate the complexity of the textual tradition – an attitude made evident, among other things, by his disregard for the tool of emendation. Ultimately, Sozomeno’s commentary on Juvenal displays not only his critical inertia but also his lack of exegetical skills.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.