The paper analyzes the phenomenon of disasters caused by extreme climatic events (forest wildfires, floods) with the purpose to identify any States’ obligations under international and European law. The analysis does not focus on the international protection of people in the event of disasters but considers the environment and ecosystems as independent fields of protection. After having synthetically reconstructed the fragmented framework of international law on disasters, climate change, principles of international environmental law, the article analyzes the limits of international and European legislation on civil protection and suggests some proposals. Synthetic considerations are devoted to the innovations introduced in Italy by the law of 8 November 2021, n. 155 containing provisions on the fight against wildfires and other urgent civil protection measures complying with the international law obligations.
Il contributo analizza il fenomeno dei disastri provocati dagli eventi climatici estremi (incendi boschivi, alluvioni) al fine di individuare se esistano obblighi positivi per gli Stati nel diritto internazionale ed europeo. L’analisi non si focalizza sulla protezione internazionale delle persone in caso di disastri ma considera l’ambiente e gli ecosistemi quali ambiti di tutela a sé stanti. Dopo aver ricostruito sinteticamente il quadro frammentario di norme internazionali in tema di disastri, cambiamenti climatici, principi di diritto internazionale dell’ambiente, l’indagine analizza i limiti della disciplina internazionale ed europea in materia di protezione civile e suggerisce alcune proposte. Sintetici cenni sono dedicati alle novità introdotte in Italia dalla legge 8 novembre 2021, n. 155 recante disposizioni per il contrasto degli incendi boschivi e altre misure urgenti di protezione civile che si pongono nella prospettiva dell’adempimento dei summenzionati obblighi internazionali.
Daniela Marrani
The paper analyzes the phenomenon of disasters caused by extreme climatic events (forest wildfires, floods) with the purpose to identify any States’ obligations under international and European law. The analysis does not focus on the international protection of people in the event of disasters but considers the environment and ecosystems as independent fields of protection. After having synthetically reconstructed the fragmented framework of international law on disasters, climate change, principles of international environmental law, the article analyzes the limits of international and European legislation on civil protection and suggests some proposals. Synthetic considerations are devoted to the innovations introduced in Italy by the law of 8 November 2021, n. 155 containing provisions on the fight against wildfires and other urgent civil protection measures complying with the international law obligations.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.