The institution of judicial control is part of a heterogeneous regulatory framework, designed to protect the general interest of the company, within which the complaint to the court performs a residual function of guarantee and restoration of management regularity, through an administrative and accounting reorganization of the company. The ruling in question, which provides the opportunity to examine the prerequisites for recourse to the instrument of judicial control, also suggests some considerations regarding the profiles of active legitimacy to implement the remedy under Article 2409 of the Italian Civil Code, a profile that deserves an adequate assessment, given the markedly procedural nature of the procedure.
L’istituto del controllo giudiziario si inserisce in un eterogeneo quadro normativo, posto a tutela del generale interesse della società, all’interno del quale la denunzia al tribunale svolge una funzione residuale di garanzia e di ripristino della regolarità gestoria, mediante un riassetto amministrativo e contabile, della società. La pronuncia in commento, che offre l’occasione per approfondire i presupposti per il ricorso allo strumento del controllo giudiziario, suggerisce altresì alcune considerazioni in ordine ai profili di legittimazione attiva ad azionare il rimedio di cui all’art. 2409 c.c., profilo che merita un’adeguata valutazione, attesa la natura marcatamente processuale del procedimento.
Sulla legittimazione ad agire nel procedimento ex art. 2409 c.c. (Regarding the legitimacy to act in the proceedings pursuant to article 2409 of the Italian Civil Code)
The institution of judicial control is part of a heterogeneous regulatory framework, designed to protect the general interest of the company, within which the complaint to the court performs a residual function of guarantee and restoration of management regularity, through an administrative and accounting reorganization of the company. The ruling in question, which provides the opportunity to examine the prerequisites for recourse to the instrument of judicial control, also suggests some considerations regarding the profiles of active legitimacy to implement the remedy under Article 2409 of the Italian Civil Code, a profile that deserves an adequate assessment, given the markedly procedural nature of the procedure.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.