Donne Gentili, Furies, and Sirens: Dante and the Metamorphoses of Philosophy Abstract The Convivio recommends the exercise of the theological virtues as the primary means to achieve true Wisdom, which is the participation in the knowledge of the truth that God made available to men through creation, at the beginning of time, and through the revelation of the Word, both before and after the Incarnation. From this principle, which grounds and nourishes in Dante the call to pursue and teach philosophy, emerge two inverse and reciprocal processes, whose complementarity assures for man the achievement of happiness (or beatitude), the very goal of his life: 1) the process of natural reason, regulated by the norms of the sciences, which is sure and irrefutable when it operates correctly in its appropriate sphere of inquiry, but is destined to remain imperfect and unfulfilled before the incomprehensibility of the divine mysteries; 2) the process of theological reason, founded on the voluntary adherence to the contents of the divine word—full and exhaustive but not reducible to a developed and detailed understanding of the transcendent object—and governed by the principles of intellectual science. The poetic art, especially with its methodic use of metaphors (in particular, the figure of the personified feminine—from the Donna Gentile to Matilda), strives for Dante to reconcile these two opposing forms of accessing the truth, thereby assuring its convergence in an inclusive, absolute, and solid wisdom. Particularly significant indications of this process of the poetic fulfillment of the human search for truth are offered by the allegorical analysis of characterized figures found throughout the Commedia, from the frequent occurrence of colors corresponding to the virtues (green, white, red for hope, faith and charity); to the three steps of the stairway for entering purgatory; to the dress of Beatrice herself and the three feminine personifications that accompany her in the mystical procession of earthly paradise; to the contrasting image of the representation of the three Furies at the entrance of the city of Dis; to the parallelism of the “stuttering woman” (femmina balba) dreamed in Purgatory and the Homeric sirens; and to the parallelism between the myth of Ulysses, the vain searcher for terrestrial wisdom, and the life of Francis of Assisi, dedicated to the search for true philosophical-theological knowledge.
Donne gentili, Furie e Sirene: Dante e le metamorfosi della Filosofia Abstract L’esercizio delle virtù teologali è raccomandato nel Convivio come strumento primario per accedere alla vera Sapienza, che consiste nella partecipazione alla conoscenza della verità che Dio ha messo a disposizione degli uomini con la creazione, all’inizio dei tempi, e poi con la rivelazione del Verbo, prima e dopo l’incarnazione. Da questo principio, che fonda e alimenta in Dante la vocazione alla ricerca e all’insegnamento della Filosofia, scaturiscono due processi, inversi e reciproci, la cui complementarità assicura all’uomo il conseguimento della felicità (o beatitudine), che è il fine stesso della sua vita: 1) il processo della razionalità naturale, regolata dalle norme delle scienze, sicura e inconfutabile quando opera correttamente nel proprio ambito di indagine, ma destinata a restare imperfetta e inappagata dinanzi all’incomprensibilità dei misteri divini; e 2) il processo della razionalità teologica, fondata sull’adesione volontaria ai contenuti della parola divina, piena ed esauriente, ma non risolvibile in una conoscenza articolata e dettagliata dell’oggetto trascendente, regolarizzata dai principi della scienza intellettuale. L’arte poetica, specie con l’utilizzo metodico delle metafore (e in particolare della figura della prosopopea femminile, dalla Donna Gentile a Matelda), si sforza per Dante di conciliare queste due opposte forme di accesso alla verità, assicurandone la convergenza in una sapienza complessiva, assoluta e solida. Indizi particolarmente significativi di questo processo di appagamento poetico della ricerca umana del vero sono così offerti dall’analisi allegorica di figure caratterizzate, in più pagine della Commedia, dalla frequente riproposta dei colori corrispondenti alle virtù (verde, bianco, rosso, ovvero speranza, fede e carità): nei tre gradini della scala di accesso al purgatorio; quindi nell’abbigliamento di Beatrice stessa e delle tre personificazioni femminili che la accompagnano nella processione mistica del paradiso terrestre; quindi, con valenza inversa, nella rappresentazione delle tre Furie all’ingresso della città di Dite; e ancora nel parallelismo tra la «femmina balba» sognata nel purgatorio e le sirene omeriche; e tra il mito di Ulisse, vano ricercatore di sapienza terrena, e la vita, spesa in cerca del vero conoscere filosofico-teologico, di Francesco d’Assisi.
Donne gentili, Furie e Sirene: Dante e le metamorfosi della Filosofia
Giulio d'Onofrio
Donne Gentili, Furies, and Sirens: Dante and the Metamorphoses of Philosophy Abstract The Convivio recommends the exercise of the theological virtues as the primary means to achieve true Wisdom, which is the participation in the knowledge of the truth that God made available to men through creation, at the beginning of time, and through the revelation of the Word, both before and after the Incarnation. From this principle, which grounds and nourishes in Dante the call to pursue and teach philosophy, emerge two inverse and reciprocal processes, whose complementarity assures for man the achievement of happiness (or beatitude), the very goal of his life: 1) the process of natural reason, regulated by the norms of the sciences, which is sure and irrefutable when it operates correctly in its appropriate sphere of inquiry, but is destined to remain imperfect and unfulfilled before the incomprehensibility of the divine mysteries; 2) the process of theological reason, founded on the voluntary adherence to the contents of the divine word—full and exhaustive but not reducible to a developed and detailed understanding of the transcendent object—and governed by the principles of intellectual science. The poetic art, especially with its methodic use of metaphors (in particular, the figure of the personified feminine—from the Donna Gentile to Matilda), strives for Dante to reconcile these two opposing forms of accessing the truth, thereby assuring its convergence in an inclusive, absolute, and solid wisdom. Particularly significant indications of this process of the poetic fulfillment of the human search for truth are offered by the allegorical analysis of characterized figures found throughout the Commedia, from the frequent occurrence of colors corresponding to the virtues (green, white, red for hope, faith and charity); to the three steps of the stairway for entering purgatory; to the dress of Beatrice herself and the three feminine personifications that accompany her in the mystical procession of earthly paradise; to the contrasting image of the representation of the three Furies at the entrance of the city of Dis; to the parallelism of the “stuttering woman” (femmina balba) dreamed in Purgatory and the Homeric sirens; and to the parallelism between the myth of Ulysses, the vain searcher for terrestrial wisdom, and the life of Francis of Assisi, dedicated to the search for true philosophical-theological knowledge.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.