This study examines the interconnected phenomenon of disinformation and fake news and their relationship to the struggle for human rights. Through an interdisciplinary perspective, we explore the crucial role of the deliberate dissemination of false information in threatening and violating human rights globally. The focus is on how disinformation has become a subtle form of conflict, often circumventing traditional perceptions of war and confrontation. Our study reflects on developing effective strategies and mechanisms to counter disinformation. It suggests multidimensional approaches combining legislative, educational, and technological efforts to comprehensively address this emerging challenge.
In the Shadows of Disinformation: Fake News and Violations of Human Rights
Battista, Daniele
This study examines the interconnected phenomenon of disinformation and fake news and their relationship to the struggle for human rights. Through an interdisciplinary perspective, we explore the crucial role of the deliberate dissemination of false information in threatening and violating human rights globally. The focus is on how disinformation has become a subtle form of conflict, often circumventing traditional perceptions of war and confrontation. Our study reflects on developing effective strategies and mechanisms to counter disinformation. It suggests multidimensional approaches combining legislative, educational, and technological efforts to comprehensively address this emerging challenge.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.