The essay analyses a study published in 1992. Aymone’s critical method proves his sensitivity as interpreter, but also his ability to relate to the most representative critical results of Pascoli’s exegesis – both by expressing positive judgments on the essays with which he agrees, and by distancing himself where the critical results are away from his own. Consequently, the text explored represents a basic moment to highlight the innovative elements of his criticism.
Il saggio ripercorre lo studio di Renato Aymone sulla poesia pascoliana pubblicato nel 1992 (pp. 203-213). Il metodo critico dello studioso dimostra di essere capace anche di rapportarsi ai risultati più rappresentativi dell’esegesi pascoliana sia esprimendo giudizi positivi sui saggi per i quali consente, sia prendendo le distanze lì dove i risultati esegetici si allontanano dai suoi. Di conseguenza il testo costituisce un momento fondamentale per evidenziare gli elementi innovativi della critica di Aymone.
Le “Myricae” pascoliane: originale lettura di Renato Aymone
Carlo Santoli
The essay analyses a study published in 1992. Aymone’s critical method proves his sensitivity as interpreter, but also his ability to relate to the most representative critical results of Pascoli’s exegesis – both by expressing positive judgments on the essays with which he agrees, and by distancing himself where the critical results are away from his own. Consequently, the text explored represents a basic moment to highlight the innovative elements of his criticism.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.