The present paper intends to delineate and describe – in their specifics qualities – a corpus of selected texts of The Ballettes’ section, contained into the French manuscript I. The entire collection (written in Lorena, 1320 circa, but composed just before, between the second half of XIII century and the early XIV century) offers a significant research field for the reconstruction of French medieval genre «à forme fixe»’ s evolution like virelai or ballade. Before these, in fact, there were only sporadic and less-coherent attestations of this type of poems that achieve their well-structured and definitive form in full Fourteenth centuries. This work aims to define some trend-line through which illuminate the vexed question posed by the Ballettes: our definition and position in the evolution towards the mediaeval «fixed forms» and their placement in relation to the division or interference between the two opposites types of courtly or folkloric genres. The principal object is the register level’s definition, their specific patterns and the modalities chosen to explain them. The analysis moves by assumptions pertaining to content: lexicon, figures of speech and syntax; we are, also, investigate upon the metric-formal aspect.
Il presente contributo si propone di attuare una descrizione e interpretazione del corpus di testi scelti della sezione delle Ballettes contenuta nel manoscritto francese I. L’insieme di questi componimenti, per la maggior parte unica, (copiati in Lorena attorno al 1320, ma si suppone scritti tra la fine del Duecento e l’inizio del Trecento) offre un terreno di indagine privilegiato per la ricostruzione dell’evoluzione formale dei generi a «forme fixe», in particolar modo per il virelai e la ballade. Prima di questa raccolta, infatti, non vi erano che sporadiche attestazioni estremamente irregolari; solo in seguito, con Jehannot de L’Escurel e Guillame de Machaut, si hanno testimonianze cospicue e ben più definite (tra secondo e terzo decennio del XIV secolo il processo di definizione si può dire già concluso). Questo studio si propone di definire la posizione e lo statuto di tali Ballettes all’interno del processo evolutivo che ha portato all’affermazione dei generi a forme fisse del quattordicesimo secolo. Contemporaneamente, si è cercato di qualificare i componimenti studiati in base al loro livello registrale precisando quali siano i motivi contenuti e i mezzi scelti per trattarli. L’analisi condotta muove da uno studio di tipo retorico, lessicale e quindi contenutistico, sintattico e metrico-formale.
Per una definizione tipologica delle ballettes del canzoniere francese I
The present paper intends to delineate and describe – in their specifics qualities – a corpus of selected texts of The Ballettes’ section, contained into the French manuscript I. The entire collection (written in Lorena, 1320 circa, but composed just before, between the second half of XIII century and the early XIV century) offers a significant research field for the reconstruction of French medieval genre «à forme fixe»’ s evolution like virelai or ballade. Before these, in fact, there were only sporadic and less-coherent attestations of this type of poems that achieve their well-structured and definitive form in full Fourteenth centuries. This work aims to define some trend-line through which illuminate the vexed question posed by the Ballettes: our definition and position in the evolution towards the mediaeval «fixed forms» and their placement in relation to the division or interference between the two opposites types of courtly or folkloric genres. The principal object is the register level’s definition, their specific patterns and the modalities chosen to explain them. The analysis moves by assumptions pertaining to content: lexicon, figures of speech and syntax; we are, also, investigate upon the metric-formal aspect.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.