La riscossione mediante cartella esattoriale è applicabile ai soli casi di revoca di un finanziamento pubblico qualora ricorrono i presupposti di deviazione dallo scopo sicché, nell’ipotesi di cartella di pagamento emessa dall’agente della riscossione avente ad oggetto somme dovute a MCC derivanti da un finanziamento assistito dalla tutela prestata dal Fondo di garanzia per P.M.I. e non soggette ai casi specifici di revoca, il ricorso a tale procedura diviene radicalmente nullo. Nel momento in cui l’impresa diviene inadempiente, la banca mutante procede all’escussione della garanzia, per effetto della quale MCC si surroga al creditore nei suoi diritti verso il debitore. In applicazione delle disposizioni dettate dal codice civile, la surrogazione ha effetto anche contro i terzi che hanno prestato garanzia per il debitore. Il credito di MCC derivante dall’esercizio di una surroga legale – ex art. 1203 c.c. – dell’originario creditore finanziario chirografario, sorge all’atto della prestazione della garanzia e, in quanto tale, non può che avere lo stesso rango del creditore originario.
The collection by means of a tax bill is only applicable to cases of revocation of public financing where the specific cases of deviation from the purpose are present, so that in the case of a payment bill issued by the collection agent concerning sums owed to MCC deriving from a financing assisted by the protection provided by the Guarantee Fund for SMEs and not subject to the specific cases of revocation, recourse to this procedure becomes radically null and void. As soon as the company becomes in default, the lending bank proceeds to enforce the guarantee, because of which MCC is subrogated to the creditor in its rights towards the debtor. Pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Code, subrogation is also effective against third parties that have provided security for the debtor. The MCC credit deriving from the exercise of a legal subrogation - pursuant to art. 1203 c.c. – of the original unsecured financial creditor, arises upon provision of the guarantee and, as such, can only have the same rank as the original creditor.
I finanziamenti garantiti dalla Banca Medio Credito Centrale non si trasformano in crediti privilegiati dopo la surroga
Gianfranco Liace
The collection by means of a tax bill is only applicable to cases of revocation of public financing where the specific cases of deviation from the purpose are present, so that in the case of a payment bill issued by the collection agent concerning sums owed to MCC deriving from a financing assisted by the protection provided by the Guarantee Fund for SMEs and not subject to the specific cases of revocation, recourse to this procedure becomes radically null and void. As soon as the company becomes in default, the lending bank proceeds to enforce the guarantee, because of which MCC is subrogated to the creditor in its rights towards the debtor. Pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Code, subrogation is also effective against third parties that have provided security for the debtor. The MCC credit deriving from the exercise of a legal subrogation - pursuant to art. 1203 c.c. – of the original unsecured financial creditor, arises upon provision of the guarantee and, as such, can only have the same rank as the original creditor.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.