Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.693
EU - Europa 2.002
AS - Asia 1.656
SA - Sud America 25
AF - Africa 16
OC - Oceania 14
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 12
Totale 11.418
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.664
IT - Italia 781
CN - Cina 587
VN - Vietnam 538
UA - Ucraina 474
SG - Singapore 307
IE - Irlanda 200
DE - Germania 166
SE - Svezia 123
FI - Finlandia 112
TR - Turchia 101
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 28
IN - India 26
BR - Brasile 23
CA - Canada 23
FR - Francia 20
PH - Filippine 19
GB - Regno Unito 15
ID - Indonesia 14
JP - Giappone 13
EU - Europa 12
NL - Olanda 12
AU - Australia 11
RU - Federazione Russa 11
KR - Corea 8
IL - Israele 7
LK - Sri Lanka 7
MY - Malesia 7
PL - Polonia 7
AT - Austria 6
EG - Egitto 6
ES - Italia 6
BE - Belgio 5
BG - Bulgaria 5
HK - Hong Kong 5
IR - Iran 5
RO - Romania 5
MU - Mauritius 4
DK - Danimarca 3
GR - Grecia 3
HR - Croazia 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
PA - Panama 3
RS - Serbia 3
TN - Tunisia 3
BH - Bahrain 2
CH - Svizzera 2
CL - Cile 2
DZ - Algeria 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
MX - Messico 2
OM - Oman 2
SI - Slovenia 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
TH - Thailandia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
KN - Saint Kitts e Nevis 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
ME - Montenegro 1
MN - Mongolia 1
PT - Portogallo 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 11.418
Città #
Ann Arbor 1.976
Chandler 824
Houston 758
Woodbridge 647
Wilmington 631
Jacksonville 602
Princeton 597
Dong Ket 538
Salerno 292
Ashburn 210
Dublin 199
Singapore 194
Beijing 150
Boardman 142
Andover 131
Nanjing 120
Izmir 96
Pellezzano 83
Dearborn 62
Fairfield 48
Shenyang 41
Nanchang 40
Hebei 30
Jiaxing 28
Naples 28
Norwalk 28
Washington 28
Brno 27
Düsseldorf 27
Guangzhou 23
Tianjin 23
Changsha 22
Los Angeles 22
Redwood City 22
Fisciano 19
Mestre 17
Pune 16
San Diego 16
Dallas 15
Torino 15
Hefei 14
Milan 14
Tito 14
Rome 12
Ottawa 11
Santa Clara 11
Seattle 11
Redmond 10
West Jordan 10
Helsinki 9
Munich 9
Nocera Inferiore 8
Tappahannock 8
Chicago 7
Falls Church 7
New York 7
Philadelphia 7
Springfield 7
Como 6
Florianópolis 6
Fort Worth 6
Lappeenranta 6
London 6
Quezon City 6
Vienna 6
Atlanta 5
Battipaglia 5
Bekasi 5
Groningen 5
Indiana 5
Jinan 5
Osaka 5
Sofia 5
Tanta 5
Ansbach 4
Assago 4
Bandung 4
Burnaby 4
Cambridge 4
Grande Riviere Noire 4
Imbituba 4
Istanbul 4
Lauria 4
Monza 4
Palhoca 4
Prineville 4
San Francisco 4
Shanghai 4
Turin 4
Warsaw 4
Wattala 4
Acerra 3
Amsterdam 3
Arezzo 3
Belgrade 3
Boa Vista 3
Brussels 3
Campo Grande 3
Castellana Grotte 3
Cilacap 3
Totale 9.145
Nome #
Can Google Maps Popular Times Be an Alternative Source of Information to Estimate Traffic-Related Impacts? 171
A Review of Traffic Noise Predictive Models 152
The ALICE Collaboration 149
The ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC 145
ALICE electromagnetic calorimeter technical design report 140
An analysis of airport noise data using a non-homogeneous Poisson model with a change-point 132
The ALICE Time-Of-Flight system: Construction, assembly and quality tests 126
ALICE: Physics Performance Report, Volume II 124
Neural Network and Time Series Analysis Approaches in Predicting Electricity Consumption of Public Transportation Vehicles 122
Noise Fundamental Diagram deduced by Traffic Dynamics 120
Traffic Noise Predictive Models Comparison with Experimental Data 119
ALICE: Physics Performance Report, Volume II 116
Two-particle correlations from RHIC to LHC with a new method based on the Fourier transform 116
A Biomathematical Study of a Controlled Birth and Death Process Describing Malignancy 115
An Acoustical Study of High Speed Train Transits 114
A topological trigger based on the Time-of-Flight detector for the ALICE experiment 112
Application of a Predictive Acoustical Software for Modelling Low Speed Train Noise in an Urban Environment 111
A forecasting model based on time series analysis applied to electrical energy consumption 111
An Application of Time Series Analysis for Forecasting and Control of Carbon Monoxide Concentrations 110
Wind Turbine Noise: Theoretical and Experimental Study 109
Multiplicity studies and effective energy in ALICE at the LHC 108
A Nonlinear Model for Controlling the Evolution of Malignant Cells 106
Tools to monitor the quality of the ALICE-TOF detector data 106
Analysis of Noise Emissions by Train in Proximity of a Railway Station 106
Development and Application of a Time Series Predictive Model to Acoustical Noise Levels 105
Time Series Model Application to Multiple Seasonality Acoustical Noise Levels Data Set 104
Diurnal and seasonal variation of BTEX in the air of Monterrey, Mexico: preliminary study of sources and photochemical ozone pollution 103
Advanced Impact Integration Platform for Cooperative Road Use 103
An Operatorial Approach to Sturm-Liouville Theory with Application to the Problem of a Spherical Conductor Embedded in a Uniform Field 101
A comparison of imputation techniques in acoustic level datasets 101
System Parameters Identification in a General Class of Non-linear Mechanical Systems 100
Acoustical Noise Study of a Factory: Indoor and Outdoor Simulations Integration Procedure 100
Traffic Noise Impact in Road Intersections 99
Alignment of the ALICE Inner Tracking System with cosmic-ray tracks 99
An Urban Growth Model Based on a Cellular Automata Phenomenological Framework 99
An Italian High Speed Train Noise Analysis in an Open Country Environment 99
Acoustical Noise Analysis and Prediction by means of Multiple Seasonality Time Series Model 98
Noise Pollution Analysis of Wind Turbines in Rural Areas 98
Analysis of Methods to Evaluate the Noise Reduction due to Acoustic Barriers Installation 97
A Comparison between Traffic Noise Experimental Data and Predictive Models Results 97
Wind Energy in Agricolture: a Simple Predictive Noise Pollution Model 96
Performance of a six gap MRPC built for large area coverage 95
A Mathematical Approach for Wind Turbine Noise Propagation 95
Advanced Tools for Traffic Noise Modelling and Prediction 95
Acoustic Noise Levels Predictive Model Based on Time Series Analysis 95
A time series analysis and a non-homogeneous Poisson model with multiple change-points applied to acoustic data 95
A Model on Controlled Evolution of Malignant Cells and on Drug Balance between Blood and Tumor 94
Quality assurance procedures for the construction of ALICE TOF SuperModules 94
Complex network applications to the infrastructure systems: the italian airport network case 93
Lie Series Application to the Identification of a Multibody Mechanical System 93
Measurements of high speed Train Noise Detected at a relevant distance and a simple numerical model 93
Road Intersections Noise Impact on Urban Environment Quality 93
An Ultrasound Technique for the Characterization of the Acoustic Emission of Reinforced Concrete Beam 92
Time Series Analysis and Forecast of the Electricity Consumption of Local Transportation 90
On Picard Iteration and Lie Series in Analytic Evolutionary Problems of Physics 89
Speed Distribution Influence In Traffic Acoustical Noise Prediction 89
Topological Properties of the Italian Airport Network studied via Multiple Addendials and Graph Theory 88
Data quality monitor as the final quality assurance procedure for the ALICE-TOF detector 88
First Proton-Proton Collisions as observed with the ALICE detector: Measurement of the Charged-Particle pseudorapidity density at sqrt(s)= 900 Gev 88
Towards the installation and use of an extended array for cosmic ray detection: The EEE Project. 88
Development of an Environmental Quality Index Related to Polluting Agents 87
Equivalence between Linear and Curved Sources in Newtonian Fields: Acoustics Applications 86
Experiments in Room Acoustics: Modelling of a Church Sound Field and Reverberation Time Measurements 86
Wind Farm Noise Maps in a Country Side Area 86
Noise Sources Analysis in a Wood Manufacturing Company 85
Infinitesimal equivalence between linear and curved sources in Newtonian fields: applications to acoustics 84
Environmental noise level threshold surpassing analysis by non-homogeneous Poisson model with informative and non-informative prior distributions 84
Study of qgp signatures with the phi->k+k- signal in pb-pb alice events 82
Construction and tests of the MRPC detectors for TOF in ALICE 82
On the Propagation Model of Wind Farm Noise 82
Modelling and Simulation in Environmental Data Analysis 81
Acoustical Noise Analysis in Road Intersections: a Case Study 81
Analysis of Traffic Noise in a Road Intersection Configuration 78
Modeling environmental noise exceedances using non-homogeneous Poisson processes 78
On the Linearity of Road Traffic Noise Source 77
Relativistic Effects in a moving Point Charge 77
Time Series Analysis Techniques Applied to Transportation Noise 77
Acoustic Emissions analysis of a four-point bending test on a Reinforced Concrete beam 77
Integration of ARIMA and software models for wind speed forecast and noise map prediction in a wind farm 76
An introduction to the special issue on recent methods on physical polluting agents and environment modeling and simulation 75
Heavyside’s approach to an elliptical PDE in a significant physical problem 74
An Environmental Quality Index Related to Polluting Agents and its application in the framework of a GIS platform 74
Time Series Predictive Model Application to Air Pollution Assessment 74
Industrial Settlements Acoustic Noise Impact Study by Predictive Software and Computational Approach 73
Latest results from a mass-production sample of MRPCs for the ALICE TOF detector 73
An Experimental Study on the Propagation of Noise Produced by Road Traffic 72
Nonlinear Evolutionary Process in Biophysics: an Hamiltonian Representation 72
Evolutionary Processes Solved with Lie Series and by Picard Iteration Approach 68
Introduction of an Hamiltonian Function and a Canonical Representation in view of a Possible Optimal Control of a Cellular Colony 68
Final test of the MRPC production for the ALICE TOF detector 68
Acoustics Experimental Activity in a Wood Manufacturing Company 68
A Hybrid Predictive Model for Acoustic Noise in Urban Areas Based on Time Series Analysis and Artificial Neural Network 68
Analysis of Road Traffic Noise Propagation 67
Cellular Automata Application to Traffic Noise Control 66
A Cellular Automata Model for Fire Spreading Prediction 66
First commissioning results of ALICE-TOF supermodules 66
Room Acoustics Experimental Study: Characterization of the Sound Quality in a New Built Church 65
Analysis of Noise Level Exceedances by Exponential Rate Function in Non-Homogeneous Poisson Model 64
Un approccio energetico alla previsione del rumore da traffico veicolare 61
Totale 9.390
Categoria #
all - tutte 39.184
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 39.184

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020842 0 0 0 8 115 95 133 38 102 92 194 65
2020/20211.393 15 99 106 9 112 46 128 6 141 22 132 577
2021/20221.105 33 16 3 31 23 36 8 51 157 132 158 457
2022/20231.889 178 153 41 274 248 369 17 157 260 23 94 75
2023/20241.066 87 110 77 49 77 131 46 89 23 81 71 225
2024/2025362 97 86 116 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.833