PICCOLO, Antonio
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 10.461
EU - Europa 2.636
AS - Asia 1.820
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 11
AF - Africa 8
SA - Sud America 8
OC - Oceania 3
Totale 14.947
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 10.454
CN - Cina 874
UA - Ucraina 856
IT - Italia 820
VN - Vietnam 419
DE - Germania 290
IE - Irlanda 262
SG - Singapore 252
TR - Turchia 210
FI - Finlandia 169
SE - Svezia 152
IN - India 33
GB - Regno Unito 17
RU - Federazione Russa 13
FR - Francia 12
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 11
EU - Europa 10
CA - Canada 7
KR - Corea 7
BR - Brasile 6
CH - Svizzera 6
IR - Iran 6
PH - Filippine 6
BE - Belgio 4
NL - Olanda 4
ES - Italia 3
IL - Israele 3
RO - Romania 3
EG - Egitto 2
ET - Etiopia 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
HR - Croazia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
MA - Marocco 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
NO - Norvegia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AT - Austria 1
AU - Australia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CL - Cile 1
CM - Camerun 1
CO - Colombia 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EE - Estonia 1
JP - Giappone 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MM - Myanmar 1
PL - Polonia 1
RS - Serbia 1
SC - Seychelles 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 14.947
Città #
Ann Arbor 3.170
Chandler 1.110
Jacksonville 1.048
Wilmington 1.035
Woodbridge 817
Princeton 740
Houston 637
Dong Ket 419
Salerno 406
Dublin 261
Izmir 210
Ashburn 207
Nanjing 196
Andover 181
Beijing 160
Boardman 146
Pellezzano 146
Singapore 143
Mestre 84
Fairfield 71
Düsseldorf 67
Hebei 67
Nanchang 64
Shenyang 56
Changsha 55
Jiaxing 44
Tianjin 43
Norwalk 38
Pune 29
Dearborn 26
Dallas 24
Washington 24
Hangzhou 21
Jinan 19
New York 17
San Diego 17
Los Angeles 16
Minneapolis 16
Dormagen 15
Cambridge 14
Guangzhou 13
Shanghai 13
Seattle 12
Brno 11
Milan 11
Redwood City 10
Spinea 10
Munich 9
Kunming 8
Rome 8
Indiana 7
London 7
Taiyuan 7
Chicago 6
Des Moines 6
Haikou 6
Lanzhou 6
Friendswood 5
Hefei 5
Philadelphia 5
Tappahannock 5
Brussels 4
Chongqing 4
Falls Church 4
Las Vegas 4
Napoli 4
Prineville 4
Wuhan 4
Amsterdam 3
Campoli Del Monte Taburno 3
Castel San Giorgio 3
Cava De' Tirreni 3
Edinburgh 3
Fuzhou 3
Giffoni Valle Piana 3
Manduria 3
Mashhad 3
Mountain View 3
Nocera Superiore 3
Ottawa 3
Phoenix 3
Porto Alegre 3
San Francisco 3
Santa Clara 3
Secaucus 3
Taizhou 3
Yonkers 3
Yverdon 3
Zhengzhou 3
Agropoli 2
Budapest 2
Cairo 2
Cava de' Tirreni 2
Central 2
Croix 2
Esslingen am Neckar 2
Fisciano 2
Hanover 2
Helsinki 2
Hyderabad 2
Totale 12.142
Nome #
Inrush Current Detection Based on Wavelet Transform and Probabilistic Neural Network 140
A smart strategy for voltage control ancillary service in distribution networks 138
A fuzzy based safe power management algorithm for energy storage systems in electric vehicles 136
Advanced telecommunication services for urban transport 125
Maximizing DG Penetration in Distribution Networks by means of GA based Reconfiguration 124
A day-ahead wind speed forecasting using data-mining model-a feed-forward NN algorithm 123
Energy management of Auxiliary Battery Substation supporting high-speed train on 3 kV DC systems 122
A fuzzy controller for maximum energy extraction from variable speed wind power generation systems 122
Distributed Generation Management: an Optimal Sensitivity Approach for Decentralized Power Control 115
Optimal placement of wind turbines by using genetic algorithm and social welfare assessment 111
A Petri net based protection monitoring system for distribution networks with distributed generation 110
Adaptive relays for overhead line protection 110
Fuzzy Clustering applied to power flow management for Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles 109
Multiobjective optimization for fuel economy and emission of HEV using the goal-attainment method 109
An Algorithm to Optimize Speed Profiles of the Metro Vehicles for Minimizing Energy Consumption 108
Coordinated local reactive power control in smart distribution grids for voltage regulation using sensitivity method to maximize active power 107
Modelling of EMC problems using TLM method 106
Genetic algorithm based parameters identification for power transformer thermal overload protection 105
Optimisation of energy flow management in hybrid electric vehicles via genetic algorithms (2001) IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM, 1, pp. 434-434. 105
Fault ride-through capability enhancement by using fuzzy control 104
An Overview on the Smart Grid Concept 103
Combined Monte Carlo simulation and OPF to evaluate the market impact of wind energy 103
Active management of renewable energy sources for maximizing power production 102
Multiobjective Optimal Design of Photovoltaic Synchronous Boost Converters Assessing Efficiency, Reliability, and Cost Savings 102
Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Variable Speed Wind Systems with Synchronous Generator and Full Scale Converter 100
Integrated Management of a Hydraulic Resource for Electric Energy Generation and for Agricultural Use. [GESTIONE INTEGRATA DELLA RISORSA IDRICA PER LA PRODUZIONE DELL'ENERGIA ELETTRICA E PER L'USO AGRICOLO.] 100
Wind Turbines Allocation in Smart Grids 100
Un progetto pilota per l'introduzione di servizi avanzati di TLC nel settore dei trasporti pubblici 100
Grid impact and integration of micro wind generation 100
Optimal operation of Smart Grids with demand side management 99
A comparative study of centralized and decentralized active power control in residential energy districts 99
Techno-economic sizing of auxiliary-battery-based substations in DC railway systems 99
A power system telematics architecture for developing services based on ICT 98
Designing an energy management system for smart houses 96
Optimal Decentralized Voltage Control for Distribution Systems With Inverter-Based Distributed Generators 95
Long-term performance in providing voltage support by PV and storage systems in distribution networks 95
The Impact of Distributed Synchronous Generators on Quality of Electricity Supply and Transient Stability of Real Distribution Network 94
Identification of Ferroresonance Based nn S-Transform and Support Vector Machine 94
Energy management system for smart homes: Testing methodology and test-case generation 94
Steady state load-shedding by Alliance Algorithm 93
Fault ride-through enhancement of wind turbines in distribution networks 93
A TLM approach for the modelling of high and low frequency EMC problems in power systems 92
Plug-in EV charging impact on grid based on vehicles usage data 92
Social Welfare Maximization for Optimal Allocation of Wind Turbines in Distribution Systems 92
Electric Distribution Systems and Embedded Generation Capacity 91
Active Distribution Networks and Smart Grids: Optimal Allocation of Wind Turbines by using Hybrid GA and Multi-Period OPF 91
A wind speed forecasting model based on artificial neural network and meteorological data 91
Evaluating the benefits deriving from voltage control capabilities of wind distributed generation 90
A DER based voltage control strategy for microgrids 90
Applications of ARTIST for advanced telematics services 89
Exploiting maximum energy from variable speed wind power generation systems by using an adaptive Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy model 89
Use of formal languages to represent the ERTMS/ETCS system requirements specifications of the interconnection L0/L2 89
Designing Offshore Super Grid for the Combined Operation of Offshore Wind Farms and Hydro Storage 89
A power system telematics architecture for developing services based on ICT 88
A Fuzzy Logic Controller to Increase Fault Ride-Through Capability of Variable Speed Wind Turbines 88
Adaptive relays for overhead line protection 87
Protection System Monitoring in Electric Networks with Embedded Generation Using Petri Nets 86
A neural diagnostic system for the monitoring of transformer heating 86
Wind Farm Power Plant: Optimal Capacitor Placement for Reactive Power Compensation 86
Use of formal languages to represent the ERTMS/ETCS system requirements specifications 85
Improving Reliability System by Optimal Sectionaliser Placement in Smart Distribution Grid 84
Arcing in AC railways: a mathematical approach 84
Alliance Algorithm-based Method for Load Shedding Problem 84
Dynamic Performances and Control of Dispersed Generators Connected through Inverter 84
Optimal generation rescheduling in microgrids under uncertainty 84
Performance comparison between scheduling strategies for PEVs charging in smart grids 84
Assessing the Strategic Benefits of Distributed Generation Ownership for DNOs 83
Fuzzy pro-active agents as key issue to increase traffic safety for next generation tunnels 83
DG and protection systems in distributed networks: failure monitoring system based on Petri Nets 82
Evaluating maximum wind energy exploitation in active distribution networks 82
Arcing in AC railways: a mathematical approach 81
Failure Identification in Smart Grids Based on Petri Net Modeling 81
Substation automation and control in railway networks 81
Improving Fault Ride-Through Capability of Variable Speed Wind Turbines in Distribution Networks 81
Evaluating the benefits deriving from voltage control capabilities of wind distributed generation 80
Thermoelectric Power Plants and Agriculture. [LE CENTRALI THERMOELETTRICHE E L'AGRICOLTURA.] 80
Valutazione in condizioni non lineari in un impianto di trazione cc 80
Design and implementation of a fuzzy controller for wind generators performance optimisation 79
Some Project Criteria of Electric Rural Distribution Networks. [AU ALCUNI CRITERI DI PROGETTO DELLE RETI ELETTRICHE DI DISTRIBUZIONE RURALE.] 79
Optimal allocation of wind turbines in microgrids by using genetic algorithm 79
Advanced telecommunication services for transport 78
Definition and application of innovative control logics for residential energy optimization 78
Computational Intelligence and Agent Paradigm for Intelligent Tunnels Design 77
A novel fuzzy system for wind turbines reactive power control 77
Advanced telecommunication services for transport 77
Dispersed Voltage Control in Microgrids 77
Power Dithering Algorithm to Avoid the Overcoming of the Voltage Limit in Presence of DG on Distribution Networks 77
Distribution planning by Genetic Algorithm with renewable energy units 76
A network equivalent circuit to study the disturbances caused by static converters 76
Active smart socket design to perform local control of power demand in residential units 76
Distributed Generation Capacity Evaluation Using Combined Genetic Algorithm and OPF 75
Optimal fuzzy controller for voltage control in distribution systems 75
Designing and testing decision support and energy management systems for smart homes 75
Le nuove tecnologie ed i sistemi di trasporto locale elettrificato. 75
A tool for smart grid representation in presence of RES: an application to state estimation problem 75
A TLM approach for the modelling of high and low frequency EMC problems in power systems 74
Smart Operation of Wind Turbines and Diesel Generators According to Economic Criteria 74
Modeling environmental effects of EHV and UHV transmission lines 74
A fuzzy controller for maximum energy extraction from variable speed wind power generation systems 74
Totale 9.234
Categoria #
all - tutte 43.056
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 43.056

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.138 0 0 0 8 177 64 188 36 188 166 284 27
2020/20211.721 22 168 183 2 185 50 181 3 253 5 203 466
2021/20221.274 4 11 3 8 20 20 20 51 195 191 164 587
2022/20232.405 230 186 39 321 326 522 0 239 370 3 115 54
2023/2024746 104 129 59 34 56 120 23 23 10 36 38 114
2024/2025246 125 46 51 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 15.254