Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.239
EU - Europa 1.552
AS - Asia 964
SA - Sud America 25
OC - Oceania 9
AF - Africa 2
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 6.792
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.228
IT - Italia 674
CN - Cina 423
UA - Ucraina 262
SG - Singapore 247
RU - Federazione Russa 204
VN - Vietnam 172
IE - Irlanda 122
DE - Germania 75
TR - Turchia 70
FI - Finlandia 49
SE - Svezia 36
NL - Olanda 34
GB - Regno Unito 29
BR - Brasile 22
FR - Francia 17
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 13
IN - India 13
KR - Corea 11
HK - Hong Kong 9
MK - Macedonia 9
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 9
MX - Messico 7
ES - Italia 5
IL - Israele 5
PK - Pakistan 5
CA - Canada 4
AR - Argentina 3
AT - Austria 3
PT - Portogallo 3
CH - Svizzera 2
MD - Moldavia 2
PH - Filippine 2
PL - Polonia 2
TH - Thailandia 2
AD - Andorra 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EE - Estonia 1
EU - Europa 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IQ - Iraq 1
JP - Giappone 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LV - Lettonia 1
ME - Montenegro 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NO - Norvegia 1
QA - Qatar 1
RO - Romania 1
RS - Serbia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 6.792
Città #
Ann Arbor 1.147
Chandler 501
Wilmington 374
Jacksonville 349
Princeton 345
Woodbridge 234
Ashburn 225
Houston 186
Dong Ket 172
Singapore 146
Dublin 116
Salerno 108
Beijing 96
Andover 73
Nanjing 69
Izmir 66
Boardman 64
Moscow 58
Pellezzano 51
Bareggio 44
Hebei 34
Fairfield 31
Bari 29
Rome 28
Redwood City 27
Dearborn 25
Naples 24
Changsha 22
Jiaxing 20
Norwalk 19
Napoli 18
Mestre 17
Nanchang 17
Washington 17
Fisciano 15
Shenyang 14
Amsterdam 13
Brno 12
Falls Church 12
Tianjin 12
Bologna 11
Los Angeles 11
Milan 11
San Diego 11
Seattle 11
Cambridge 10
Dallas 9
Acquaviva delle Fonti 8
Cisterna 8
Pune 8
Edinburgh 7
Shanghai 7
Zhengzhou 7
Atlanta 6
Guangzhou 6
Indiana 6
Jinan 6
Palermo 6
Caserta 5
Düsseldorf 5
Hong Kong 5
Nocera Inferiore 5
Santa Clara 5
Shenzhen 5
Skopje 5
Springfield 5
São Paulo 5
Baiano 4
Florence 4
Giarre 4
Istanbul 4
Kaiapoi 4
New York 4
Pescara 4
Potsdam 4
Sahiwal 4
San Francisco 4
The Hague 4
Xiangtan 4
Bengaluru 3
Campagna 3
Casamarciano 3
Casoria 3
Chengdu 3
Chieti 3
Como 3
Haikou 3
Hangzhou 3
Kunming 3
London 3
Massafra 3
Mexico 3
Ningbo 3
Padova 3
Qingdao 3
Saint Paul 3
Sezze 3
Stoke-on-Trent 3
Tappahannock 3
Tel Aviv 3
Totale 5.135
Nome #
Analysis of a subsidence phenomenon via DInSAR data and geotechnical criteria 134
Evaluating the state of activity of slow-moving landslides by means of DInSAR data and statistical analyses 134
Empirical fragility and vulnerability curves for buildings exposed to slow-moving landslides at medium and large scales 119
DInSAR data assimilation for settlement prediction: Case study of a railway embankment in the Netherlands 115
The combination of DInSAR and facility damage data for the updating of slow-moving landslide inventory maps at medium scale 114
Part I: Landslide Instrumentation and Monitoring. Introduction 112
The use of DInSAR data for the analysis of building damage induced by slow-moving landslides 112
Analysis of building vulnerability to slow-moving landslides via A-DInSAR and damage survey data 112
Uso congiunto dei dati DInSAR e dei danni al costruito per l’aggiornamento delle carte inventario dei fenomeni franosi a cinematica lenta 110
Utilizzo combinato di analisi statistiche e dati DInSAR per la zonazione dello stato di attività di frane a cinematica lenta 110
Conventional and innovative techniques for the monitoring of displacements in landslide affected areas 108
The contribution of DInSAR techniques for slow-moving landslide characterization 107
Un esempio di impiego di dati DInSAR a media e alta risoluzione in aree urbanizzate subsidenti 107
A land subsidence study via DInSAR technique over large urbanized areas 104
Combined use of statistical and DInSAR data analyses to define the state of activity of slow-moving landslides 104
Analisi di frane lente in area urbana con il contributo dei dati PS-InSAR: il caso di Castelpagano (BN) 103
Investigating building settlements via very high resolution SAR sensors 103
A procedure for the analysis of building vulnerability to slow-moving landslides 102
Analysis of subsidence phenomena via DInSAR data at different scales 102
Il ruolo delle tecniche DInSAR nell’analisi del rischio da frane a cinematica lenta 101
Analysis at medium scale of low-resolution DInSAR data in slow-moving landslide-affected areas. 98
Una proposta per la definizione dello stato di attività di fenomeni franosi a cinematica lenta a media scala 96
Potentialities of the use of spaceborne radar systems in the monitoring of structures and infrastructures 94
The use of DINSAR techniques to analyse ground deformations and related effects to buildings 92
Analisi e previsione del danno di edifici con differente tipologia fondale in terreni di alta compressibilità: due casi di studio nei Paesi Bassi 91
I dati DInSAR e i danni al costruito come indicatori dello stato di attività di fenomeni franosi a cinematica lenta. 89
A land subsidence study via DInSAR technique over large urbanised areas 86
Analisi di dati DInSAR ad alta risoluzione per lo studio del comportamento di edifici. 84
Advanced low- and full-resolution DInSAR map generation for slow-moving landslide analysis at different scales 84
Investigating the behaviour of buildings with different foundation types on soft soils: two case studies in The Netherlands 84
Multitemporal DInSAR data and damages to facilities as indicators for the activity of slow-moving landslides. 83
A new approach to the use of DInSAR data to study slow-moving landslides over large areas 83
Multi-scale analysis of settlement-induced building damage using damage surveys and DInSAR data: A case study in The Netherlands 82
Postseismic Deformation Monitoring With the COSMO/SKYMED Constellation 81
Analisi di livello preliminare delle conseguenze indotte agli edifici da frane a cinematica lenta 81
L’impiego dei dati PSInSAR per l’analisi dei cedimenti di edifici in area urbana: un caso di studio. 79
Detection and monitoring of facilities exposed to subsidence phenomena via past and current generation SAR sensors 78
Use of the differential interferometry for monitoring urban areas: the Sarno case study 77
Use of DInSAR for monitoring urban areas: the Sarno case study. 76
A general framework and related procedures for multiscale analyses of DInSAR data in subsiding urban areas 76
Tecniche innovative satellitari nel monitoraggio di opere interagenti con frane a cinematica lenta 74
Methodological and Technological Advances in the Application of Spaceborne DInSAR for Landslide Monitoring 74
Monitoraggio con tecniche satellitari di aree urbanizzate in subsidenza 73
Analisi del comportamento di edifici in muratura soggetti a cedimenti differenziali. 73
Geometric and kinematic characterization of landslides affecting urban areas: the Lungro case study (Calabria, Southern Italy) 72
The use of DInSAR for landslide detection over large areas 71
Multiscalar analysis of subsidence phenomena via DInSAR data 71
Un approccio multiscalare per l’uso dei dati DInSAR nell’analisi di fenomeni di subsidenza in aree urbane 70
Impiego delle tecniche satellitari per lo studio delle aree in subsidenza 69
L’impiego di dati DInSAR nella caratterizzazione a scala di bacino di fenomeni franosi a cinematica lenta 69
Geology, slow-moving landslides, and damages to buildings in the Verbicaro area (north-western Calabria region, southern Italy) 69
Spaceborne Radar Interferometry for Landslide Monitoring 68
L'importanza di un protocollo nell'impiego di tecniche satellitari DInSAR 68
Un approccio metodologico per la gestione del rischio in aree urbane affette da frane a cinematica lenta 68
Building monitoring via DInSAR data at different scales. 65
Quantitative analysis of the risk to road networks exposed to slow-moving landslides: a case study in the Campania region (southern Italy) 64
The role of DInSAR techniques on the analysis of ground deformations related to subsidence and landslide phenomena 61
Empirical fragility curves for masonry buildings in slow-moving landslide-affected areas of southern Italy 61
Low and high resolution differential interferometry monitoring of the Sarno urban area. 60
An integrated approach for landslide characterization in a historic centre 60
Prospettive di monitoraggio per il controllo del comportamento di edifici in aree soggette a fenomeni di subsidenza. 57
Multi-sensor a Priori PSI Visibility Map for Nationwide Landslide Detection in Austria 57
Probabilistic analysis of settlement-induced damage to bridges in the city of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) 57
Subsidence monitoring in Sarno urban area via multitemporal DInSAR technique 56
Curve empiriche di fragilità e di vulnerabilità di edifici in un’area della Regione Calabria affetta da frane a cinematica lenta 55
Empirical fragility curves for settlement-affected buildings: Analysis of different intensity parameters for seven hundred masonry buildings in The Netherlands 54
Combined subsidence phenomena in high-rise built urban areas: numerical study for Frankfurt am Main 53
Analisi numerica del comportamento non lineare di un edificio in muratura soggetto a spostamenti indotti da una frana a cinematica lenta 53
Landslide susceptibility and hazard zoning in a portion of the Three Gorges Area, China 51
Innovation in slow-moving landslide risk assessment of roads and urban sites by combining multi-sensor multi-source monitoring data 50
An interdisciplinary approach to landslide damage assessment in urban areas 47
Analisi del rischio da frane a cinematica lenta per le reti stradali 46
Deterministic and probabilistic analyses of the 3D response of masonry buildings to imposed settlement troughs 46
DInSAR data integration in vulnerability analysis of buildings exposed to slow-moving landslides. 45
Analysis of Damage to Buildings in Urban Centers on Unstable Slopes via TerraSAR-X PSI Data: The Case Study of El Papiol Town (Spain) 45
Impiego delle tecniche satellitari per la individuazione di aree in subsidenza. 44
Building damage assessment and settlement monitoring in subsidence-affected urban areas: case study in the Netherlands 37
Quantitative analysis of consequences to masonry buildings interacting with slow-moving landslide mechanisms: a case study 37
A multi-scale methodological approach for slow-moving landslide risk mitigation in urban areas, southern Italy 36
Damage to Masonry Buildings Interacting with Slow-Moving Landslides: A Numerical Analysis 34
Probabilistic analysis of vulnerability of buildings to slow moving landslides: a study in two municipalities in southern Italy 34
Multi-parameter Vulnerability Analysis of Settlement-Affected Masonry Buildings with Shallow/Piled Foundations: Case Studies in The Netherlands 33
SAR monitoring of buildings damaged by slow-moving landslides in the Italian southern Apennines. 32
Le frane connesse agli incendi boschivi: stato dell’arte e sviluppi futuri della ricerca anche alla luce dei cambiamenti climatici 31
Landslide characterization in the Polog Region (R.N. Macedonia) by innovative and conventional methods 31
Numerical analysis of the nonlinear behaviour of a masonry building undergoing slow-moving landslide-induced displacements 30
Investigating the kinematics of the unstable slope of Barberà de la Conca (Catalonia, Spain) and the effects on the exposed facilities by GBSAR and multi-source conventional monitoring 30
Full integration of geomorphological, geotechnical, A-DInSAR and damage data for detailed geometric-kinematic features of a slow-moving landslide in urban area 28
LARAM School 2020 goes online: the 15th doctoral school on "LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation" 28
Experimental Analysis of the Fire-Induced Effects on the Physical, Mechanical, and Hydraulic Properties of Sloping Pyroclastic Soils 27
Multi-source data analysis in slow-moving landslide-affected built-up environment: case studies in Calabria region (southern Italy) 27
Investigating the factors governing the damage occurrence on buildings exposed to slow-moving landslide risk 26
Combining Statistical, Displacement and Damage Analyses to Study Slow-Moving Landslides Interacting with Roads: Two Case Studies in Southern Italy 25
Monitoring buildings at landslide risk with SAR: A methodology based on the use of multipass interferometric data 25
Numerical analysis of the behaviour of masonry buildings undergoing differential settlements 24
Fire-induced changes in the geotechnical properties of a volcanic soil 22
Small‑scale analysis to rank municipalities requiring slow‑moving landslide risk mitigation measures: the case study of the Calabria region (southern Italy) 22
Clues of wildfire-induced geotechnical changes in volcanic soils affected by post-fire slope instabilities 21
Slow-moving landslides interacting with the road network: Analysis of damage using ancillary data, in situ surveys and multi-source monitoring data 19
Differential settlements affecting transition zones between bridges and road embankments on soft soils: Numerical analysis of maintenance scenarios by multi-source monitoring data assimilation 19
Totale 6.761
Categoria #
all - tutte 25.240
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 25.240

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020355 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 19 56 56 118 18
2020/2021857 22 81 66 19 81 35 93 8 176 14 67 195
2021/2022649 1 4 7 1 46 30 11 19 90 80 96 264
2022/20231.125 96 106 18 187 135 215 9 106 147 5 73 28
2023/2024690 64 71 48 41 70 118 30 51 14 27 22 134
2024/2025694 63 45 32 125 127 160 142 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.024