D'AGOSTINO, Francesco
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 13.726
EU - Europa 4.157
AS - Asia 2.499
SA - Sud America 130
AF - Africa 20
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
OC - Oceania 6
Totale 20.547
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 13.687
IT - Italia 1.382
CN - Cina 1.112
UA - Ucraina 1.002
VN - Vietnam 509
SG - Singapore 469
RU - Federazione Russa 449
IE - Irlanda 364
DE - Germania 356
FI - Finlandia 208
SE - Svezia 180
TR - Turchia 152
BR - Brasile 117
KR - Corea 82
IN - India 63
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 38
HK - Hong Kong 33
GB - Regno Unito 32
FR - Francia 31
CA - Canada 27
ES - Italia 21
JP - Giappone 19
DK - Danimarca 17
NL - Olanda 15
IL - Israele 12
RO - Romania 11
EU - Europa 9
IR - Iran 8
MX - Messico 8
ID - Indonesia 7
LU - Lussemburgo 7
TW - Taiwan 7
AT - Austria 6
RS - Serbia 6
ZA - Sudafrica 6
AU - Australia 5
BD - Bangladesh 5
EC - Ecuador 5
EG - Egitto 5
IQ - Iraq 5
PL - Polonia 5
CH - Svizzera 4
HU - Ungheria 4
MA - Marocco 4
PK - Pakistan 4
VE - Venezuela 4
BE - Belgio 3
BG - Bulgaria 3
HR - Croazia 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 2
IS - Islanda 2
KE - Kenya 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
MN - Mongolia 2
NP - Nepal 2
AL - Albania 1
AR - Argentina 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CL - Cile 1
CO - Colombia 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EE - Estonia 1
GT - Guatemala 1
LB - Libano 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MK - Macedonia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PE - Perù 1
PH - Filippine 1
PR - Porto Rico 1
PT - Portogallo 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 20.547
Città #
Ann Arbor 3.720
Wilmington 1.352
Woodbridge 1.331
Jacksonville 1.255
Houston 1.111
Chandler 1.063
Princeton 977
Salerno 798
Dong Ket 508
Ashburn 368
Dublin 359
Singapore 290
Dearborn 239
Andover 235
Beijing 224
Nanjing 216
Boardman 175
Pellezzano 163
Izmir 140
Moscow 120
Mestre 89
Düsseldorf 81
Fairfield 80
Nanchang 74
Shenyang 70
Hebei 69
Jiaxing 53
Pune 52
Council Bluffs 47
Guangzhou 45
Changsha 43
Norwalk 42
San Diego 40
New York 37
Tianjin 37
Brno 35
Santa Clara 33
Dallas 31
Washington 30
Naples 29
Napoli 29
Los Angeles 26
Munich 22
Cambridge 20
Seattle 18
Redwood City 17
Hong Kong 15
Indiana 15
Shanghai 15
Poggiomarino 14
Jinan 12
London 12
Hefei 11
Ottawa 11
Amsterdam 10
Fisciano 10
Madrid 10
Shenzhen 10
Solingen 9
Aarhus 8
Hangzhou 8
Rome 8
São Paulo 8
Capellen 7
Chicago 7
Falls Church 7
Lappeenranta 7
Phoenix 7
Stockholm 7
São José dos Campos 7
Wuhan 7
Copenhagen 6
Domicella 6
Edinburgh 6
Ilmenau 6
Paris 6
Secaucus 6
Tappahannock 6
Tokyo 6
Curinga 5
Istanbul 5
Jakarta 5
Kunming 5
Mexico City 5
Qingdao 5
Rio de Janeiro 5
San Martino Valle Caudina 5
Spinea 5
Bologna 4
Braunschweig 4
Budapest 4
Cairo 4
Central 4
Edmonton 4
Fort Worth 4
Grumo Nevano 4
Hanover 4
Helsinki 4
Leipzig 4
Milan 4
Totale 16.176
Nome #
IEEE Recommended Practice for Near-Field Antenna Measurements 316
A numerical-analytical solution for continuous flow microwave heating of liquids in laminar motion 151
A nonredundant near-field to far-field transformation with spherical spiral scanning for nonspherical antennas 134
A nonredundant spherical NF-FF transformation using a fast spiral scanning: experimental testing @ UNISA antenna characterization lab 134
Valutazione della sezione radar monostatica di un corner reflector triedro a facce triangolari con un modello di ottica fisica migliorata 130
A NF/FF transformation with spherical scan for a noncentred quasi-planar antenna using a minimum number of data 130
An Experimental Validation of the Near-Field - Far-Field Transformation with Spherical Spiral Scan 127
Non-Redundant near-field to far-field transformation techniques 125
An effective NF–FF transformation with helicoidal scan tailored for elongated antennas: an experimental validation 124
Probe position errors corrected near-field-far-field transformation with spherical scanning 122
An OSI-SVD based method for estimating the data falling in the blind zone of a NF spherical facility 121
A singular value decomposition based approach for far-field reconstruction from irregularly spaced planar wide-mesh scanning data 121
An efficient cylindrical NF – FF transformation using a very simple and practical antenna modelling 119
An Innovative Direct NF-FF Transformation Technique with Helicoidal Scanning 119
A model for predicting the scattering by a junction of three dielectric slabs 117
An iterative technique to compensate for probe positioning errors in the helicoidal scanning 117
An Efficient Transformation Technique for the Direct Recovering of the Antenna Far-Field Pattern from Near-Field Measurements Collected along a Helix 117
Probe conpensated near-field to far-field transformation with helicoidal scanning for elongated antennas 116
An effective NF–FF transformation with a hybrid cylindrical and bipolar scanning 115
A PO based method for the efficient computation of reflector antenna patterns 115
Probe compensated NF–FF transformation with planar wide-mesh scanning 114
Nonredundant NF-FF transformation by a bi-polar scanning facility 114
Far field reconstruction from positioning error affected near-field data acquired via a nonredundant spherical scanning 114
Antenna directivity evaluation from plane-polar near-field measurements 113
Elementi di teoria delle antenne 113
A nonredundant NF–FF transformation with spherical spiral scanning using a flexible AUT model 113
Experimental tests on an effective near-field to far-field transformation with spherical scan from irregularly spaced data 113
A nonredundant sampling technique for mapping the satellite antenna radiation intensity on the earth 112
Ellipsoidal source modellings for optimal far field interpolation 111
Positioning errors compensation in the NF - FF transformation with helicoidal scanning for long antennas: experimental tests 111
A nonredundant spherical NF-FF transformation: Experimental tests @ UNISA antenna characterization lab 111
Experimental verification of a nonredundant NF-FF transformation with spherical scanning for elongated antennas 111
A new and efficient NF-FF transformation with spherical spiral scanning 110
Antenna directivity evaluation by planar spiral scanning 110
Array pattern synthesis with null field constraints in the near-field region 109
From near–field measurements to the antenna directivity 109
Experimental Testing of Nonredundant Near-Field to Far-Field Transformations with Spherical Scanning Using Flexible Modellings for Nonvolumetric Antennas 108
A planar NF–FF transformation for quasi-spherical antennas using the innovative spiral scanning 107
Ten years of research activity on NF–FF transformation techniques at the University of Salerno 106
Laboratory tests on the direct cylindrical NF – FF transformation using an effective modelling for long AUTs 106
Near-field – far-field transformation with a planar wide-mesh scanning: experimental testing 106
Field representation over an ellipsoid from samples acquired through a spiral scanning 105
Experimental proofs on a new helicoidal NF scanning for long antennas @ UNISA Antenna Characterization Lab”, Atti della Fondazione “Giorgio Ronchi 105
Spherical near-field - far-field transformation for quasi-planar antennas from irregularly spaced data 105
A nonredundant probe compensated NF–FF transformation with spherical scanning 104
An effective NF-FF transformation technique with planar spiral scanning tailored for quasi-planar antennas 104
NF–FF transformation with cylindrical scanning from a minimum number of data 103
NF-FF transformation with plane-polar scanning: ellipsoidal modelling of the antenna 103
An efficient technique to lower the error due to the truncation of the scanning region in a bipolar facility 103
An effective technique for reducing the truncation error in the near-field-far-field transformation with plane-polar scanning 101
Experimental Tests on a Near-Field to Far-Field Transformation Technique Using a Nonconventional Plane-Rectangular Scanning 101
TD optimal sampling interpolation over a plane from NF data collected through a nonconventional plane-rectangular scanning 101
Evaluation of the radiated power from near-field measurements acquired via the planar wide-mesh scanning 100
Non-Redundant Spherical NF - FF Transformations Using Ellipsoidal Antenna Modeling: Experimental Assessments 100
An effective near-field-far-field transformation technique for elongated antennas using a fast helicoidal scan 100
An effective antenna modelling for the NF–FF transformation with planar wide-mesh scanning 99
An efficient approach for the power synthesis of conformal arrays with constraints in near-field 99
On the Direct Non-Redundant Near-Field-to-Far-Field Transformation in a Cylindrical Scanning Geometry 99
Field recovery over a sphere from a minimum number of data over a spiral 98
An Efficient approach to extrapolate the data falling in the zone not covered by measurements in a near-field spherical facility 98
Probe positioning errors compensation in the NF–FF transformation with cylindrical scanning for long antennas: experimental tests 98
The trihedral corner reflector technique for permittivity measurements of lossy dielectrics 98
An improved physical optics model for the evaluation of the field backscattered by triangular trihedral corner reflectors 98
Laboratory tests on the direct near-field - far-field transformation with helicoidal scanning for long antennas 98
Optimal sampling interpolation over a plane from transient bi-polar near-field data 98
Data reduction in the NF-FF transformation technique with spherical scanning 97
Near-field-far-field transformation with helicoidal scan: an experimental validation 97
Experimental Assessment of an Effective Near-Field–Far-Field Transformation With Spherical Spiral Scanning for Quasi-Planar Antennas 97
Laboratory tests on the near-field - far-field transformation with spherical spiral scan optimized for long antennas 97
Sphiral near-field scanning for automotive antenna measurements 97
UAPO diffraction coefficients for penetrable and nonpenetrable structures 96
A nonredundant sampling based method for the directivity computation 96
Electromagnetic scattering from dihedral corner reflectors with deformed faces 96
Laboratory proofs on the NF-FF transformation with spherical spiral scanning optimized for quasi-planar antennas 96
Evaluation of the radiated power from near-field measurements acquired via the planar wide-mesh scanning 95
An efficient NF-FF transformation technique with plane-polar scanning: experimental assessments 95
Experimental Proofs on an Effective Near-Field to Far-Field Transformation Technique with Spherical Spiral Scan Suitable for Long Antennas 94
Far-Field Pattern Reconstruction from Near-Field Data Collected via a Nonconventional Plane-Rectangular Scanning: Experimental Testing 94
Experimental validation of the NF–FF transformation with helicoidal scanning suitable for elongated antennas 93
Antenna directivity evaluation by spherical spiral scanning in near field region 93
Optimization of the current integration method for a front-fed parabolic reflector antenna 92
Application of an optimal sampling interpolation algorithm to the analysis of the SRT antenna 92
Trasformazione campo vicino - campo lontano con scansione elicoidale per antenne lunghe 92
Near-field – far-field transformation techniques with spiral scannings 92
An iterative technique to compensate for positioning errors in the NF - FF transformation with helicoidal scanning for long antennas 92
Optimal near-field interpolation in the time domain from data acquired via a nonconventional plane-rectangular scanning 92
Effective antenna modellings for NF – FF transformations with spherical scanning using the minimum number of data 92
Compensation of the probe positioning errors in the spherical NF – FF transformation for elongated antennas 92
Near-Field to Far-Field Transformation Techniques with Spiral Scannings: A Comprehensive Review 90
Two efficient procedures to correct the positioning errors in the plane-polar scanning 90
Laboratory measurements of super-resolving Toraldo pupils for radio astronomical applications 90
Antenna pattern reconstruction from nonuniformly distributed PWMS data 89
Laboratory tests on a near-field - far-field transformation with spherical scan using a very flexible antenna modelling 89
Laboratory tests on a nonredundant near-field to far-field transformation with spherical scanning for long antennas 89
Far-field reconstruction from near-field data collected through a planar spiral scan: experimental evidences 89
Reconstruction of the Antenna Far-Field Pattern through a Fast Plane-Polar Scanning 89
Theoretical basis and applications of near-field spiral scans 88
A SVD approach for covering the blind region in the spherical spiral scanning 88
Nonredundant near field - far field transformation with spherical spiral scanning for elongated antennas 88
Error filtering in NF–FF transformation with plane–polar scanning 88
Totale 10.645
Categoria #
all - tutte 68.398
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 68.398

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020695 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 215 84 294 35
2020/20211.979 5 193 221 11 223 57 227 6 198 26 251 561
2021/20221.729 7 7 7 18 34 40 16 98 242 223 237 800
2022/20232.773 315 135 54 330 356 588 14 297 450 11 144 79
2023/20241.406 127 186 86 59 81 179 135 134 16 71 63 269
2024/20251.516 187 138 85 141 144 395 288 138 0 0 0 0
Totale 21.098